I dreamt you were alive

207 4 3

Author's Note:skipped the third alt prompt because I didn't know what to do for it

Stupid agents. Seriously, how dumb were they? They probably had their IQ tests come back negative.
Sanford chuckled to himself as he slew a couple more agents and one soldat. He made his way through the base, killing its inhabitants. These stupid motherfuckers.

As he turned a corner, he stopped dead. No......this......couldn't be real.....

Deimos was standing at the other end of a long hall, killing some engineers. But.....Deimos was dead. He died last week. But there he was. Standing there, looking perfectly fine. Sanford called out "Deimos!" and he turned around.

Deimos smiled at him, a warm smile that filled Sanford with joy.
And he ran

Sanford ran for him, not caring if the agents tried to stop him.

Deimos was back.

His dear Deimos was back.

But the hallways seemed to be getting......longer. Deimos was getting further and further away. That was odd. Maybe Sanford was just imagining it?

He kept on running, but the hallway was lost definitely getting longer, every time Sanford drew near, the hallway would get longer. What the fuck?

Ok, this was getting ridiculous, who the fuck was behind this? Maybe Sanford should try and go another way, since it looks like he isn't getting to the end of this hallway. But when Sanford turned around, the room connected to the hallway was gone. It was just more hallway.

What the hell?

Sanford turned around and started to run. He needed to get Deimos and get out, there was something very wrong here. But he tripped, falling flat on his face. Sanford tried to push himself to his feet, but the ground has transformed into a black goop. It was so sticky that it prevented Sanford from standing up again.

Sanford looked over at Deimos. The other man was unfazed, but an engineer was creeping up behind him. Deimos couldn't see them.

"DEIMOS! LOOK OUT!" Sanford cried.

The engineer stabbed Deimos in the neck, killing him.

Sanford sat up, drenched in cold sweat. He looked around. He wasn't in an AAHW  building. He was in his bed. It was just a dream. An awful, shit dream.
Deimos wasn't alive, it was all in Sanford's mind.
The muscular man was shaking, it had all been in his mind.

There was no Deimos.

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