Chapter 3: I'm Coming

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<Central City>

Many Years Ago

At an elementary school, it was show and tell for the young children and it was a year in which Henry looked forward to each year he'd bring his most prized possession, it was expensive, nor was it great but he loved it.

It was a simple turtle, one he had found when he was just five years old, he knew that it only had a few more years to live and he wanted to show it to everyone as much as he possibly could.

Teacher: All right, kids. Settle down. We only have a few more kids. Mr. West-Allen.

Henry looks up with a smile as he stands up and takes the box which had his turtle inside.

He moved to the front of the classroom as he turned to face his classmates.

Young Henry: Hi, my name is Henry and this is my turtle.

Henry opens the box as he takes the turtle out of it and shows it to his classmates.

Henry: When I was just five years old I found this turtle....

Suddenly one of the students stand up as he moves away from his desk.

Teacher: Jason, what are you doing?

Jason moves to the window as he starts clapping.

Jason: It's the flash. He's taking on a meta human.

All the students got up from their chairs as excited as they were to see the flash taking on a meta human.

Henry: But my turtle. I wanted to tell you how I found him.

Teacher: Ah, later sweetie. The Flash is more important.

A look of anger crosses Henry's face as he sets the turtle back in the box.

See Henry knew that the flash was his father but his father swore him to secrecy, Henry loved the flash, he loved watching the flash take down criminals.

But that secret he has kept all these years started to take a toll.

Over the last few years of his life, the flash became more of priority than he did. Even his two siblings were priorities while he was just left in the dust.

That look of anger continued to show, not fading as young Henry just listened as the students talked about the flash.

And soon the box he held in his hands he dropped and it opened. The turtle inside the box crawled out and then moved over to Henry.

Henry sit on the floor of the classroom and picked up his turtle and laid it on his lap.

He tilted his head and looked up at the clock and watched the clock tick down.

And as the children filed back to their seats, Henry didn't move, he just stayed there.

The teacher began saying Henry's name but it was just an echo to the young child.

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