Chapter 18: The Mystery

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<Central City>

Speed Demon stood on top of the mountain which over looked Central City, the same one in which he had taken Imra too just a few days prior.

He paced back and forth as he thought about Thawnes plan...Had he really had this plan for years? What was his plan?.....Would it succeed? Speed Demon didn't know what to think, he honestly could say that in his time in control, he hadn't had quite a challenge like Thawne.

Speed Demon walks along the rocky top of the mountain as he turns around and starts to walk away but an alarm in the distance causes him to look back as he takes off running, Speed Demon runs all the way to Mercury Labs exactly where he knew Thawne was as he ran inside and instantly came face to face with Tina McGee.

Tina breathed heavily as the fear in her eyes bulked up as Speed Demon just stared at her.

Tina: He took it. The tachyon device. Just like the one he had taken years ago.

Speed Demon: Why? Why did he take it?

Speed Demon lifts his demonic claw like finger up to Tina as she gulps as she replies....

Tina: He didn't say.

Speed Demon: Your useless.

Speed Demon runs out of Mercury Lavs as he appears on the street as he looks around at his surroundings, trying to determine where Thawne would go.

Walking along the road as lightning courses off his body, Speed Demon looks up at the sky as he stops and looks forward....Where would Thawne go?


Eobard Thawne walked inside an old abandoned building just outside of Central City, as he closed the door behind him as he turns around walks inside as he looks around and finds a large table with various tools.

Eobard walks over to the large table as he shoves everything off as he sets down the tachyon device which he had stolen from Mercury Labs.

Thawne knew he was fast, but he didn't have full power just like before when he had taken over Harrison Wells life because of losing his connection to the speed force, so the tachyon device would help but he didn't plan on going home, he had another plan in mind, one he saw years before so clearly. But first he needed to get rid of Speed Demon.


At Star Labs, Nora and Bart stood in the cortex trying to find Thawne but it wasn't easy.

Nora: Thawne has been planning this for years, right?

Bart: He must have.

Nora leans back in her chair, as she lets out a sigh of frustration as she looks at Bart.

Nora: How does Henry fit in to all this?

She says as Bart looks at the computer as he then looks at Nora.

Bart: I don't know but it has to be something.

Nora: Maybe we should ask him.

Bart gives Nora a look as Nora starts to think as she stands up from the chair as she leaves the Cortex as she walks down the hallway until she walks into the pipeline as she goes over and stands by the cell as she turns around and sits down.

As she sat there thinking, Bart walks in as he leans against the door and crosses his arms as Nora looks up and for just a moment she thought he was her father until she sees Bart as she says...

Nora: How do we do this, Bart? How do we help Henry and help Central City?

Bart chuckles as he uncrosses his arms as he walks inside.

Bart: We can't do both Nora. We can only do one. But right now I don't think it's about Henry or Central City.

Nora tilts her head just an inch, confused by Bart.

Bart: Right now it's about Thawne and what he's planning. That's what we need to focus on.

Bart walks over to Nora as he holds his hand out as she looks up at him.

Bart: Now stand up, be the lovable Nora I know you are and let's find Thawne and stop him and then...we will deal with Henry.

Nora looks down at the ground as Bart says something reassuring to her.

Bart: We help Henry in whatever way we can.

Nora looks back up at Bart as she grabs his hand and he lifts her up, though she knew Bart was only saying this to cheer her up, she knew that they had to find Thawne no matter what.


Speed Demon arrives at Argus as he runs into Lylas office as she stands out up when she sees him as she says...

Lyla: Did you find him?

Speed Demons mask retracts as Henry steps forward...

Henry: No. I need to know the last time he was out before I arrived.

Lyla looks down at her desk as she thinks for a moment as she looks up and responds...

Lyla: Years ago, he did escape once, he uh...went somewhere outside of Central City.

Henry steps forward again as he replies...

Henry: Where?

Lyla: I don't know, The Flash brought him back. He never said where he was or what he was doing. I didn't ask questions.

Henry's mask comes back over his head as Speed Demon turns around but looks back at Lyla.

Speed Demon: When I find him, you won't have to worry about a cell.

Speed Demon runs out of Argus as he starts to run out of Central City, with the goal of finding Thawne and ending him once and for all.

To Be Continued...

(A/N: Guys, I'll be honest with you, this chapter is probably not all that good. I had writers block with it but I wanted to get a chapter done for you guys.)

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