Chapter 46: Totally Two Faced

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In Star City, the underground boxing ring to be exact, Mia Queen punched endlessly at the punching bag as she breathed out feeling all the effects of the sweat pouring down face

All she could think about was Henry, she first met Henry when he came looking for answers, it was surprising to her, she'd met Nora and Bart so many times in her life, but she'd never met Henry

She never heard about Henry, maybe it was because Barry and Iris wanted him to be kept a secret, or maybe it was because he just never came up, it was odd to her

Up until that very moment when he arrived, she rarely ever thought this much about anything, she didn't have the time but now here she was, thinking hard about Henry

All she's wanted to do was understand, know more about him, learn exactly why he's the way he is, and she has got a pretty good idea why

She finally stopped punching as she huffs out as she takes off her gloves and goes over and sits down on the bench and grabs her towel as she wipes the sweat off her face

Just then a sudden gust of wind catches her attention as she turns around and sees Henry standing there

She stands up as she steps over the bench as Henry walks forward

Henry: I felt like I should apologize.

Mia: For what?

He stops in front of her and gives her a look as she sets her towel down, she wanted to hear him say it but he wouldn't, he was too smug

Mia: It's okay.

Henry: I uh apologize because I've recently learned some things from a...well a friend.

He says as he walks around Mia as he goes over to the punching bag and pushes it before stepping around it

Mia turns to him as she crosses her arms

Mia: Whatd you learn?

Henry just gazes around the room as he replies

Henry: Nothing of importance. In fact-

He turns around to her as he puts his hands in his pockets

Henry: It was pointless.

Mia: Then why come here to apologize?

Henry scoffs as he takes his hands out of his pockets

Henry: Can't you just accept an apology without being like... well like this?

Mia scoffs, she couldn't believe that Henry had the gull to say this given he was the one who told her to leave

Mia: You know what? Screw you, Henry. No! You know what? Fuck you!

Henry immediately runs at her as he grabs ahold of her and holds her against the wall as his eyes turn red as she gasps and Henry looks up and down at her

Henry chuckles as he lets her go and steps back

Mia: Why are you really here, Henry?

Henry laughs slightly as he grabs her arm and then runs out of the gym

Henry comes to a stop with Mia in front of City Hall as she pulls away from him

Mia: Let go of me.

Henry holds his arms up sarcastically in defeat with a smug look on his face

Mia looks forward and sees they are at City Hall which confuses her as she didn't even know why

Mia: What are we doing here?

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