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-Taehyung's POV-

The rain hits the window outside the
classroom, and I watch as the big
drops roll down the glass, leaving
little streaks of water behind.

The history teacher is rambling on
about something that happened in
the 17th century that literally no one
cared about. I mean, most of us are
seniors in this class. None of us
really gave a shit about school right

It seems to me that anything
would be better then sitting here
listening to the lecture, so herel
am staring out the window and
contemplating the meaning of life.
Which, you know, really isn't much
better then the history lesson.
Maybe it's the rainy weather that's
causing my bad mood.

Or not.

It could just be my constant
pessimism and anger at the world.

Yeah, that's probably it.

I feel someone poke my arm, hard.
I hiss in pain, and whip my head
around to see my best friend Jungkook staring at me intensely.

"What?" I growl under my breath,
rubbing my arm. Jungkook's pokes hurt a lot, and even after all these while of knowing him, I still cant figure out why.

"Dude, I said your name like three
times. Where's your brain?"

I roll my eyes. "Not in the 17th
century, thať's for sure."

"Tell me about it. I don't think even
Mr. Lee cares about whatever's
going on."

I look over to where Mr. Lee is
at the front of the classroom. He
looks like his own words are boring
himself to death, and he's spewing
out meaningless sentences in a
monotonous tone.

I smile a bit and look back over to Jungkook.

"Maybe hell talk himself to sleep,"
I said.

"I wish. And then we could go get
something to eat, l'm starving."

"Dude. We had lunch like two hours

"Yeah, well I'm a growing boy. I'm
hungry again. Besides, I have this
coupon for that new pizza place that just opened next to the school, we should totally go there"

I open my mouth to say something
in reply, but then suddenly realize
that the entire classroom is silent,
including Mr. Lee's voice.

Everyone is staring expectantly at

Jungkook realizes this just as I do, and he raises an eyebrow.

"Someone ask me something?" he asks in a loud voice, directing the question at Mr. Lee. Oh boy, here we go.

"Yes, Mr. Jung, and you would
know that if you were paying

Jungkook leans back in his seat casually and crosses his arms.

"It's Jeon, sir. Not Jung. And honestly, you cant blame me for not paying attention.
It's not like what you have to say is

There's a few snickers.

"Must you always be so sarcastic?"
Mr. Lee asks wearily.

"Must you always be so hellishly
boring?" Jungkook mocks, mimicking his tone.

I hold back a laugh. This isn't a new
development with Jungkook; it happens at least once a day. You could say he has issues with authorities.

Mr. Lee just rolls his eyes and
ignores him, going back to the
lecture. He doesn't bother with
detentions, ever. I think it's because
he honestly doesn't care.

Jungkook turns back to me with a giant grin on his face, brown eyes sparking with amusement.

"Now, where were we?"


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