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I roll my eyes with a smile and walk past him but pause when I notice him wincing. "Are you okay?" I ask, brows furrowing.

"Yup, fine." he grins at me, but it looks fake. We walk out into the hallway together. "Just a little sore from gym."

But now that I'm looking, I notice that he's limping as well. It's not obvious, but it's there. I'm scared to say anything, not knowing if he's going to blow up at me. After a few moments of contemplation, I reach over to put my hand on his arm, wanting to ask again
if he's okay. But just when I'm about to touch him, he flinches away visibly, yanking his arm away from me.

I stare at him, mouth slightly ajar as I come to a stop in the deserted hallway "Sorry" Jungkook mumbles, rubbing the arm he yanked away. "Just a little

"Jungkook, no." My voice is low. "You never act like this. You're limping and seem scared of everything. What's going on?"

"Nothing's going on," he replies quickly, too quickly. "I told you, I'm just sore."


"It's not bullshit."

"I know when you're lying, Jungkook,"
I say a little harshly. "You're always asking me if I'm okay and expect me to answer truthfully. This should go both ways."

"It's nothing," Jungkook says quietly, staring at the floor.

I sigh in exasperation. "Is it Jong in?"
I guess. "Did he beat you up or

He shakes his head. "Not Jong in." he finally looks me in the eyes, looking desperate, and I can see he's not lying about that.
"Then what is it?"

Jungkook wraps his arms around himself, looking away. "Ill tell you soon, okay? Just...not now."

"Okay." I step closer, slowly, so as not to scare him again, and say softly, "I love you, remember?"

He smiles at me, and there's that
twinkle in his eyes. "Yeah, of course. I love you too."

I wrap my fingers around his wrists and tilt my head up, going in for a kiss.

He slides his hand up my neck, cupping the back of my head as our lips meet. The kiss suddenly gets more heated, and our mouths part. Jungkook tangles his tongue with mine, exploring every inch of my mouth.

I press myself closer to his warm body as he kisses me deeper, the hand that isn't in my hair running up and down my body. Suddenly, he reaches down and squeezes my thigh, fingers rubbing the inside. A moan slips from my throat, a sound I didn't even know I could make.

Jungkook's hand grips my leg even harder as his lips move more quickly. Then, he pulls away. I'm about to ask why, but before the question can come
out of my mouth, he takes my hand and pulls me across the hallway. Stopping in front of an empty classroom, he pokes his head in and looks around before yanking my inside, closing and
locking the door behind us.

"Kook" I start, but I'm pushed up
against the wall and silenced with his mouth.

"Shh," he says against my lips. "We still have ten minutes until the end of lunch."

I reply with a breathy little "k," before our mouths open again and we're right back where we were before. His hands sit on my hips, thumbs rubbing little circles on the bone there. I shiver, craving more of his touch.

I think Jungkook senses this, because one moment his fingers are over my shirt and the next they're slipping under, feeling the hot skin there. I gasp at the sensation.

"Okay?" he asks gently, pulling away for a moment.

I nod, gulping. I love the way his slighty rough hands are running over my torso. He's not actually touching any of the scars there, being sensitive to my self-consciousness. Our lips collide again, and another moan slips out of my mouth.

Jungkook shudders at the noise, hands gripping my waist under the fabric.

"Can I-" he swallows, breath coming a little faster. "Can I talke your shirt off?" I pause, hesitant. I'm still not keen on anyone seeing my scars, but we're in a
dark room and I trust Jungkook. So I nod.


He grins a little, grabbing the hem of my shirt and gently sliding it up. I raise my arms, and he pulls the shirt off over them and my head. He throws the cloth to the floor and attacks me with those addicting lips once again.

It feels different, having my bare skin pressed up against his clothed one. But I like it, I like it lot. Jungkook is taking full advantage of this, and my breath starts coming in gasps as he kisses down my neck.

"Shit Kook," I moan when he goes
further down, sensually licking some areas there. He kisses all the way down my stomach, kissing his way across the map of scars.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers across my skin. As cliché as it is, I love it.

I tangle my hands in his dark hair as he goes even further down, giving me goosebumps. Once he gets dangerously close to the waistline of my pants, though, I realize what's going to happen if this goes further. "Wait," I pant, tugging on his hair a little.

He immediately stops, looking up
at me with those gorgeous eyes of his.
"Too far?" he asks, standing up.

"Well," I smirk a little. "Any further and you'd have to finish what you started."
Jungkook smirks right back. "Too bad the bell's about to ring."

I roll my eyes and lean down to pick my shirt up from off the floor. "In your dreams, mister. Besides, next time you're taking your shirt off too."

It was suppose to be a light-hearted suggestion, but as I put my shirt on, I can't help but notice the nervousness in Jungkook's eyes at that.

Before I can think more about it, the bell signaling the end of lunch rings, and we head off to class.


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