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I think Im crying, I'm not actually sure. And are those screams mine? I zone out as much as I can, trying to focus on anything other then the pain. Tae. I think of Tae. His beautiful brown eyes, curly hair, that small smile he gets when someone's talking about a band he loves.

The next thing I know, the punches and kicks stop. I look around from my place on the floor, groggily blinking to try to make out what's going on through my blurred vision.

Things are going in and out of focus, but I see my mother, standing there in front of me. I'ma little confused, because I didn't even realize she was home.

I hear yelling. I think I black out for a little while, because the next thing I know, I open my eyes and my mother is kneeling over me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh god, Jungkook, I'm so sorry," she cries.

She brings up a hand to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks and takes a deep breath, sniffling. "Come on," she adds. "Let's get you up."

My mother gently takes my arms and helps me up from the floor. I bite my lip, trying to not make any sounds as the pain ripples through my body. We head over to the couch and she sets me down there. My father is nowhere in sight.

She looks me up and down. "Are you okay?"
I give her a look.

"Right, obviously not okay. I mean, any broken bones you think? Do we need to go to the hospital?"

I shrug, and then wince again. "I don't think so. It's really bruised."

My mom looks down at floor, her jaw clenching. "Jungkook, I'm so sorry."


"No, listen to me. This is my fault. If your father and mine's marriage was working, he wouldn't have done this to you. If I had tried a little harder, maybe-"

"Mom, this isn't your fault," I interrupt her. "If anything it's mine for being gay."

The upset look on her face is instantly replaced to one of rage. "Don't you dare say that. That's no excuse for what he did."

I'm a little taken aback at her defense, but I definitely could get used to it.

"We're leaving," she says all of a sudden. "I'm getting a divorce and we'll live together, just us. I think I have enough evidence against your father for full custody of you until you turn 18."

"It's only a in a couple months, Mom,"
I say. "I'm sure I can wait it out until then."

"Absolutely not. I can get an apartment close to work; one of my friends owns it." She sighs, looking at her hands.

"I just want you to okay, Jungkook And we'll be okay."

Even though everything hurts, I lean over and wrap my arms around my mother. She willingly leans in, and we hug for a while as I try to wrap around my head what's going on.

It's finally happening. Im getting away from my father, and I don't have to leave Tae.

Speaking of Tae...

"Mom?" I ask, pulling away. "Can I call Tae? He'll want to know what's going on."

"Of course, sweetie," she says, smiling warmly. "And one of these days I want him to come over for dinner. Officially, as your boyfriend."

I grin. "Of course."


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