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I lead Jungkook back to my room, and we continue to make out there.

I can't get enough of him; his lips, his hair, his eyes, his skin. I can barely even believe this is happening. He pushes me back against the pillows on the bed and climbs on top of me, kissing every part of my neck.

My breath hitches when he reaches my collarbone, but then a sudden thought pops in my head, and I push him away

"Wait," I say, breathless. Jungkook pauses and looks at me quizzically.

"What about Lisa?" I ask.

"What about her?"

"I thought- I mean- Aren't you in love with her?"

Jungkook stares at me.
"In love with Lisa? Where on earth did you get that from?"

I blush. "I just- you were- I don't know, you were always acting like you were in love with her."

Jungkook sighs, and pulls away from me completely, sitting cross legged on the bed. "I mean, I guess I kinda thought I had a crush on her at some point, but that was just me being stupid and in denial."

"HOW were you in denial?"
It's Jungkook's turn to blush. "I think I'm gay. Like, completely gay. As in, I don't like girls gay."

"I know what gay is, Kook." I laugh a little.

"Well, what about you?" he asks. "I don't know why we've never talked about this before, having been friends for so long."

I shrug. "I don't know. I think it's
whatever for me, you know all about the heart and not the gender or shit like that." I never really thought about it,
to be honest. Jungkook has been the only person I've been in love with so far, so maybe I'm just Jungkook-sexual.

He nods, understanding. "Now, I have something really serious to ask you."

Suddenly, I'm nervous. This could be a multitude of things, and in my mind none of them are good.

"Yeah?" I reply, trying to not show how my hands started shaking.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I blink.


"Will you be my boyfriend?" he asks again, taking my hands in his.

"I love you, you love me, so why not?"
I blink again. And again. I had
dreamed about this moment so
many times, and now it was actually happening. Jungkook is asking me to be his boyfriend.

"Yes." I say, a little too loudly.

"Hell yes."
Jungkook grins at me and gives me a quick peck on the lips, even though I wish it could have lasted longer.

"You know what this means, right?" he whispers in my ear.

"What?" I whisper back.

"It means I can kiss you whenever I want."

I smirk. "Yeah? Who told you that?"

He pouts.
"Come on, Tae. Just admit it,
you want to be that cheesy couple that's always touching and cuddling"

Yeah, I do, I think to myself. Instead of saying that, I just smile and lean in, giving him a long, slow kiss.

He kisses me back, bringing up a hand to tangle in my hair.
"I love you so much," he mumbles against my lips.

I bite his bottom lip gently, making a noise come out of his throat. It's the single greatest thing I've ever heard.

"I love you too," I reply. Then I pull back a tiny bit to look into his eyes.

"Just promise you won't hurt me," I whisper. Because I don't think I'll be able to take it. Those last words don't need to be spoken; I know Jungkook can see it in my eyes.


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