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-Jimin's POV- (surprise!)

To say the least, watching Tae go through his own hell has not helped fighting through my own one bit, just because it's so similar.

It's not unusual for me though, unfortunately. I still feel bad, because I want to help Tae as much as I can, but the truth is that I can't throw all my being into it or I'll end up worse then before.

But, thank god I have Yoongi.

He's helped more then he could ever know, and I know I will be eternally grateful for that. Although, now might be a good time to mention that I may or may not have a tiny crush on him.

What can I say? Yoongi has always been there for me, thick and thin of it all. Sure, sometimes he's a giant, yet loveable, idiot, but it doesn't make me like him any less.

Watching Jungkook and Tae get together over these past few months often makes me sad, just because it reminds me that I'll probably never have Yoongi to myself, and that's for a multitude of reasons.

First of all, Yoongi isn't gay. Not even a little. He loves talking about girls, it's one of his favorite things to do. I mean, I like both boys and girls myself but Yoongi isn't anywhere near that.

Which poses our next problem. I also happen to be asexual, and I also don't see Yoongi having a relationship without sex anytime in the near future.

See the issue?

I sigh as I struggle with combination on my locker. Damn hunk of metal. It's already been a long day at school, and I just want to go home and nap.

Or maybe watch movies. Or maybe both. Just as I'm trying to stuff book in my locker and thinking of the lovely possibilities for my evening, Yoongi walks up to me.

Speak of the devil or angel..? Not sure.

I try to ignore the little flip my stomach does when I see his dark hair (I've always loved the way it stands straight up in the air) and his warm brown eyes.

"Hi," Yoongi says in that constantly excited tone of his. "What are you doing later?"

I'm slightly distracted, because a couple totally random things just fell out of my messy locker as I try to shove another book in, but I answer with, "Uh. I'm not sure. I was thinking about a movie marathon or something."

"It's always Movies," Yoongi teases me.

I stare him down. "Fight me."

Yoongi puts his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay." He looks down at the floor where a couple of my things still lay. "Why do you have a lighter in there?"

I sigh in frustration and lean down to pick them up, along with some paperclips and pencils that fell out as well. "Because the lighter could be useful and wel... I don't actually know why it's there. But don't judge."

"I'm not judging."

"Good." I put the stuff back in my locker, but just as I do, another book falls out. I roll my eyes, totally done with today.

This time, Yoongi leans down and picks it up, looking at the cover. "Erm. And you have your Bible in there?"

I take the book from his hands and tuck it under my arm, making a split second decision to take it home today. "Yup. Problem?"

He shakes his head. "It's still weird though, no offense. Like you're bi yet you're still religious?"

Well, bi and asexual. But I haven't told him the last bit yet; I feel like that would be something he wouldn't be able to understand. Still, I give him a tired look. We've been over this many times, yet he still finds it weird. "I've told you, it's not really a religion, not in my book. And if you really understood it, there's nothing wrong with being bi as well."

He shrugs. "Still don't get it."

"One day, my friend, I shall explain the whole thing to you if you're willing to listen."

Yoongi laughs a bit. "One day. For now though, movies?"

I grin at him. "Most definitely. Let me just call home real quick and let Mom know you're coming over."


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