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I walk into school that morning slowly, very unwillingly. I had gotten here late to avoid the rush of teenagers trying to get to their classes, so it's easy getting to my locker and first class. My teacher in first period doesn't care if I'm a little late or not, he knows I'm a good student.

First, second, third, and forth period crawled by slowly. I didn't see Jungkook at all and it's safe to say l'm completely and utterly dreading lunch.

I honestly don't think I make it through watching Jungkook and Lisa together without throwing up or bursting into tears or punching (or possibly killing)
Lisa. Just kidding about the killing part. Actually, not really. I can't stand her.

Maybe if she was a nice girl it would make this all easier, but no, of course the bitch makes everything harder. Fuck my life.

The bell for the end of forth period rang, causing my heart to beat a lot faster.

Maybe I can just hide in the bathroom and hope Jungkook doesn't go look for me. Or l could tell him I'm sick.

But in all honesty, I don't really want to leave him and Lisa alone at lunch.

Who knows what she would do? Like what if in that one hour without me they started dating?

I have to be there to make sure
that doesn't happen. I'm probably overthinking everything damn anxiety.

Sighing heavily, I leave the classroom with the rush of students going to lunch. I try to stick to the sides of the stampede, but alas,I get pushed around. And it fucking hurts.

Last night, or morning I should say since it was 3 am, hadn't gone well. I had stopped after a few cuts to the wrist, but only because I don't want it to be too obvious. So I had switched to my thighs and stomach, because I just couldn't stop. I was at it for a while, and needless to say, didn't feel too great today. With every movement I feel the cuts rubbing together, and I try to not wince.

When I approach the lunchroom,I suddenly get the wind knocked out of me because a certain ball of energy we like to call Jeon Jungkook runs into me, enveloping me in a hug.

Normally I would enjoy this, but on this fine day it was rather painful. I let out a loud yelp, and Jungkook immediately let go of me, eying me with worry.

"You okay, dude?" he asks, looking me up and down. I grin, trying to act natural.

"Fine and dandy. You just surprised me."
Jungkook smiles back, all suspicions gone.

"Awesome. Ready for lunch?"
My smile wavers a little, and I tug on the sleeves of my hoodie.

"Yup. Sure thing. Um, is Lisa coming?"

Jungkook suddenly looks disappointed at that.

He sighs and shakes his head.

"No. She couldn't make it today"

I do a little internal happy dance. The bitch isn't coming? My day just got way better! But I don't let that show.

"That's too bad. Why not?"

"She said that she did something to her ankle this morning. Tripped or something, I don't know. She's going to the doctors to see if it's sprained."

Oh, she hurt her ankle? I'm thankful that she's not here, but I woke up in a pool of my own blood this morning. I actually had to steri strip some of my cuts closed because they were that deep, and yet here I am with Jungkook at lunch. Seems a little wimpy to me.

"Tae?" Jungkook's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I look at him; he's staring at me.

"I asked you to something, did you not hear me?"
I blush a little.

"Sorry, no. I'm a little out of it today"

"S ok. I was just wondering if you wanted to go outside to eat." I shrug. "Sure."

When we get outside and sit down on the grass,I take a deep breath of air. It's late fall, and all the leaves are dropping from the trees. It's a perfect temperature when the sun is shining, and there's a slight, cool breeze. And the best part is, I get Jungkook all to myself right here by my side.

He's smiling and cheery, going on about some new album by a band. I sit back in the grass, arms holding me up from behind, and just stare at him. His brown eyes are sparking in the sun, his glossy hair framing his face perfectly.

I sound so gay right now, I think to myself. Jungkook is oblivious to these thoughts going through my head, though, and I'm caught off guard when he suddenly yells,

"Think fast!" and throws a banana at me.

I jump about five feet in the air, barely catching the banana in time. I look up with triumph, expecting Jungkook to say something about my awesome reflexes, but he's staring at the sleeve of my hoodie. Shit. It's slipped up a little. I yank the sleeve back down, praying that he wasn't looking long enough to see anything.

"Do you want your banana back?" I ask quickly, trying to distract him. Jungkook's eyebrows are furrowed, but when he looks at me his face goes back to normal. He must have not seen anything.

"Nah" Jungkook says, smiling at me.
"My mom always puts bananas in my lunch. I hate them."

"Your loss," I say and peel the banana's yellow skin before taking a big bite out of it.

Jungkook is staring at me, his eyes watching my face intently. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What?" I say.

"I didn't say anything."


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