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Jungkook is still glaring when he looks at me.

"You okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine.." I mumble, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"You don't have to keep sticking up for me."

"Well those people shouldn't be
running into you. This happens all
the time, yet you never stand up for

It's not my fault I'm invisible, I think
to myself. Jungkook doesn't have this problem, because people respect

He knows how to call attention to himself, but I'm not like him. I wish
I could be more like him.

I don't say any of this aloud, though.
Instead, I clench my jaw and stare
at the floor. Jungkook sighs, but doesn't say anything more.

We continue on through the school, heading to the new pizza place, or so I think.

Instead, just when we're about to
leave the school, we run into my
least favorite person ever.

My least favorite person, not Jungkook's.

"Lisa!" he calls happily, waving
at her. She grins and bounces over
obnoxiously, hair swaying.

"Jungkookieee!" she gives him a hug, and I feel like l'm going to be sick.

Lisa and Jungkook start chatting
about who knows what as I stand
awkwardly on the side. I'm just about to grab Jungkook's arm and drag him away when Lisa says,

"So, Jungkook, I have a ton of math homework and I know you're a total genius, so could you maybe help me with it right now?
We could have a little study party
at my house! Make some popcorn,
maybe pull out the vodka?" she

I roll my eyes, trying not to gag, and
wait for Jungkook to refuse her. I mean, he already said he wanted to go get pizza with me, right?

But, to my surprise, Jungkook just smiles at her, totally ignoring me, and says,

"'Sure, l'd love to."

My jaw drops, and feel the betrayal
stab like a knife. Sure, Lisa is
pretty, but she's a complete b**ch.
And Jungkook already had plans with me.

I had no idea that he'd ditch me for
her. Stop being so selfish, Tae, a mean little voice tells me. Why would'nt Jungkook want to hang with her? It's not like getting pizza with you is his idea of fun.

Spending time with his crush is much better then dealing with you. I want to tell the voice to shut up, but it's true. Jungkook hasn't actually told me he has a crush on Lisa, but it's kind of obvious. Jungkook has already started to walk off with Lisa.

I tell myself to just forget it about. Jungkook can do whatever the hell he wants. Just like that, I feel the anger ripping through by body. I turn and run out the front doors of the school, wanting to get away before the tears start to fall.

"Tae.. wait!" Jungkook's voice is behind me.

I don't turn around, because I'm sure
my face would betray me. So instead I just yell, "Fuck off!" and run through the rain to my car.

I'm full on sobbing by the time I get
the car unlocked and I'm inside.
The always-lurking feelings of
worthlessness and self-hatred are
magnified by a hundred as I cover
my face with my hands and cry. Of
course Jungkook doesn't want to be
around me. Why would he? I wasn't
worth anything to him.

Now, you're probably wondering why this is affecting me so much. Sure, it's totally normal for a guy to ditch his friend for a girl. All guys do that,right? Just keep in mind that I have astoundingly low levels self-esteem, and I tend to take a small situation and turn it into something extremely dramatic. But the truth of the matter is that I'm completely, thoroughly, and fervently in love with Jeon Jungkook. And he has no idea.


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