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When we wake up again, it's around 9 'o clock. Jungkook is moaning again about how he doesn't want to get up. After about five minutes of him saying "No" over and over, I take the route of being a horrible human and pull the blankets off his body.

He screeches and curls up in a human ball, trying to retain some kind of warmth.
"Why would you betray me like that?!" he yells dramatically.

I roll my eyes and tug at his arm. "Jungkook, come on. Don't you want breakfast?"

At the mention of food, he perks up significantly. "Breakfast?" he asks hopefully.

"Yup."I roll off the bed and stand up, pulling a sweatshirt over my pajamas. "Do you want pancakes or waffles?"


"Jeez, chill a little. Waffles it is."I open the door to my room, going out in the hallway.

"I expect you to be down in 5 minutes tops,'cause I'm not making them all by myself."

I hear Jungkook mutter something about my bossiness under his breath, but I ignore it and head down the stairs to the kitchen.

I start grabbing ingredients out of the pantry and the refrigerator, setting them out on the counter. There's also some dirty dishes in the sink that my parents left for me to do, so I turn on the faucet and start cleaning those.

After a few minutes, I hear footsteps on the stairs. Jungkook comes into the kitchen slowly, moving like a zombie. He had thrown on a pair of sweats and one of my old band tees. His dark hair is handing in front of his face, and his eyes are half closed and red with sleep.

And yet, he still looks perfect.

But I don't tell him that.

He walks over to the counter next to me and lifts himself onto it, legs swinging off the floor. "Just so you know", he says, "I have no idea how to make waffles."

I roll my eyes. "It's not that hard. Just grab that mix I point to the bag with the hand that isn't holding the pot I'm currently washing. And follow the instructions on the back."

He sighs dramatically. "Fine. But it's your fault if I fuck this up. Never let it be said that I didn't tell you I can't follow directions."
"I think you can handle this," I say.

Jungkook cannot handle this. He did indeed fuck the waffles up. We ended up with a gross looking gray goop, and decided right then and there that it should go directly in the trash. So that's where we are now, Jungkook watching my every move as I make him and egg and a piece of toast.

"I don't know how you do it" he's saying.

"Everything I try to make always ends up with something that not even homeless people would eat."

"It's talent"I reply, flipping the egg. "One thing that I can actually do better then you."

"You can do plenty of things better then me."


"Giving characters on Supernatural lectures."

"Be serious."

"I am! Those boys really need a talking to once in a while!"
I roll my eyes, taking the pan off of the stove and sliding the egg on the plate.

"Whatever you say. Here's your breakfast"

"Thanks." Jungkook takes his plate over to the table. "What are you gonna eat?"
I shrug. "l'm not really hungry"

Jungkook doesn't say anything, just looks at me.
"What?" I ask.

"Tae, I never saw you eat anything yesterday"

"I had a snack in 3rd period" I lie.

Jungkook sees right through it. "No, you didn't."

I sigh with defeat and sit down at the table across from Jungkook. "Ok, fine, I didn't. But just wasn't hungry."

Jungkook looks at me sadly. "Are you 'not hungry' a lot, Tae?"

I know exactly what he's asking. He's asking if I'm starving myself. But I'm not, at all. I can eat when I want, I just don't usually feel like it. Do I think l'm fat? Yes. Do l feel bad when I do eat? A little. But it's nothing drastic. Just another measure of self-destruction that I've taken on.

"Jungkook, l'm fine." I say. "Don't worry about it."

He glares at me. "No, Tae. I am going to worry about it. You told me last night that you'd talk to me."


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