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Just saying the words bring back that little smile that I find I'm wearing whenever I think about him.

Taeyong, on the other hand, slaps the dashboard with both hands and lets out a whoop. "I knew it!" he shouts.

"You knew we were dating?" I exclaim.

"Well, not exactly, but I totally knew you two were gay for each other!"

"Taeyong," I whine.

"Sorry. But like, you guys are always around each other and, like, touching and stuff. It's so obvious."

"Is it obvious?" I frown a little, not sure what to think of that.

"Well, I mean, it is to me. But I know you guys, so."

I smile a little more as I think about Jungkook, eyes staying on the road.

"Do you love him?" Taeyong asks, his voice softer.

"Yeah," I say quietly, unashamed. "I love him a lot."

"Good. You need someone like that."

I look over at him again, this time with a new view of what my brother is like.

"Thanks, yongs. I'm really glad you're my brother."

He smiles at me. "I'm really glad you're my brother, too."

At this point we're at school, and I pull into one of the empty parking spots. My excitement is building, which is ridiculous, because it's not even been a whole two days since I've seen Jungkook.

It's not like it's been months. I practically run into school, going as fast as I can without looking like an idiot. I'm pushed too and fro by kids trying to get to class, but that doesn't faze me one bit. I run to my locker, and much to my joy, Jungkook is learning up against it, arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his perfect face.

I almost squeal when I see him, (but I catch myself, because hello, we're in a crowded hallway) and bounce over,dropping my backpack at my feet and jumping into his arms. He engulfs me in his arms, burying his face in my neck as I press myself against his warm body.

"I missed you," he says in my ear.

"I missed you too," I reply. "I know it hasn't been long, but..." I trail off.

"I know exactly what you mean, boyfriend," he smirks.

I blush, but smile at the same time. We pull away from the embrace, but not before Jungkook kisses me on the cheek.

It seems perfect, but the moment is ruined when we hear a voice next to us in the hallway spit out the word "faggot," with disgust. Of course, the voice belongs to Kim Jong in, the school bully. He's tall and covered in tattoos, usually spotted beating some
poor kid up.

"You got a problem?" Jungkook growls right back, throwing on his usual tough shit persona.

"Fuck yeah I do," Jong in says, crossing his arms. "Little homos should keep that shit to themselves."

"Why does it matter to you?" Jungkook asks with fire in his eyes.
"Can't watch without being reminded that you'll never get a boyfriend of your own?"

"Kook," I say softly with a meaningful look, not wanting him to rile Jong in up more. He just squints his eyes dangerously, stepping a little closer. I press myself closer to Jungkook, intimidated by his looming figure.

"You watch your tongue, faggot,"
Jong in hisses.

"Sure I will," Jungkook shoots right back.

"Definitely wouldn't want to be putting it down your throat. Isn't that what you want?"

I jab Jungkook in the side, just wanting him to stop before this gets too serious. Jong in looks like he's about to go into full Hulk mode, and I can feel my heart speeding up.

"Just you wait," He spits. "You're
gonna regret opening your mouth."

"Right." Jungkook smirks. "I'm terrified."

Jong in glares at him once last time, and ice cold look in his eyes, before turning and going back down the hallways as Jungkook watches with a satisfied smile.

"Kook," I hiss again.

"What?" he asks, focusing his attention on me. "I don't want him thinking he can talk to you like that."

I have to admit, I'm pretty flattered that Jungkook deemed it necessary to get in a shitload of trouble with Jong in just to stick up for me, but that doesn't change the fact that he'll probably end up as a black and blue coloured Jungkook pancake sooner rather than later.

"He's like, a foot taller than you, Kook,"
I say. "You know he's going to come after you."

"Yeah, well," he shrugs. "It was worth seeing his face. Besides, you're underestimating my ninja skills. I can hold my ground."

I scoff. "Sure. You'll be in the ground when he's through with you."

"Thanks for that vote of confidence, Tae."


He laughs and holds his hand out, inviting me to take it. I thread my fingers through his, blushing slightly as the sweetness of it.

"Come on," he says. "Let's get to class."


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