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This is it.
I open it, breath held Completely.

There's a moment of total silence. Jungkook is watching my face, eyes open wide.

I look up at him, no expression on my face.

"What does it say?" Jungkook asks, voice quiet and urgent.

I'm quiet for a few seconds longer, and then I jump up, run around the table, and throw my arms around Jungkook, and squeal.

"I GOT IN I GOT IN I GOT IN!" I scream in his ear.

Jungkook whoops, and then stands up with me in his arms so he can spin me around right in the middle of the living room.

We're both laughing and I think crying a little too, but they're happy tears. I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and we press our foreheads together, breathing in each other's air.

"I love you," Jungkook whispers as the mood suddenly turns serious.

"I love you too." I look into his eyes, and then smile. I kiss him, our lips pushing together urgently.

Jungkook sneaks his tongue in my mouth and our tongues dance around together, and I think one of us lets out a moan. The next thing I know, he's stumbling up the stairs towards my room with me still in his arms.

Once in my room, Jungkook tosses me onto the bed unceremoniously. I pull myself further up the sheets and watch as he closes the door before turning back to me.

Jungkook grins at me, flashing his perfectly white teeth, and I grin back. His beautiful eyes are sparking with happiness as he crawls over the sheets to hover over my body, elbows on either side of my head.

We kiss again, all lips and teeth and tongue. It's passionate and heavy, and I start to wonder where this is going. Then he starts running his hand up and down my torso, fingers moving stealthily under my shirt to feel the hot skin there, and I think oh, I know where I want this to go.

I make a little noise somewhere deep in my throat and find the courage to bring my hands up to slip under his own shirt, only this time I yank the hem up as far as I can.

He pauses with kissing me for the moment it takes to pull the shirt the rest of the way off his head. It's tossed to the floor, forgotten.

I giggle a little as he battles my own shirt to get it over my arms and head before it's thrown to the floor as well. The giggles quickly stop, though, as soon as Jungkook leans down to my chest and starts kissing every single scar that marks the skin on my torso.

Whatever breath I had quickly leaves my chest, and I close my eyes to the feeling of his lips on my skin. He does the same thing he did that day at school in the empty classroom, when we escaped the world for little while to be close to each other. That day feels like such a long time ago.

But he's here now, right in front of me, and this time there's no school bell to interrupt us.

Jungkook makes his way back to my lips, both of our breaths coming in and out heavier then before.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks in a breathy whisper.

I nod. Then, "Yes. I'm certain."

"No one's home?"

"Won't be for a while."

He smiles softly before gently kissing my cheek, and there's no where else I want to be as we slowly remove each piece of clothing one by one and get lost in each other.

It's early August, only a couple weeks before Jungkook and I move into our new dorm rooms. We're soaking in the time that we have left before classes start, currently, by laying in the back of Jungkook's new pick up truck that his mother got him as a graduation gift. It's late at night, and we parked to the side of an old road by a big field that no one uses.

We're laying on a bunch of pillows and blankets that we dragged from the house and sipping on the beer that we may or may not have stolen from my parents.

"Ooh, there's a shooting star!" Jungkook exclaims. Without a cloud in sight in the night sky, the stars are in perfect visibility.

"Really?" I ask. "I didn't see it."

"Well maybe there'll be another one."

I smirk and roll across the blankets to get a little closer to him, placing a hand on his thigh and brushing my lips against his ear.


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