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He stands up from the crouched position, and then holds out his hand to help me up from the ground. "You should get to class," he reminds me.

"Text me if you need anything, okay?"

"Thank you," I say quietly; I'm still shocked. "And Jimin, the same goes for you. I'm still here for you."

He gives me another slight smile, nodding, and I can't help but think that maybe it makes him upset that through all of the shit I've been through, I've never asked to see if he was okay. Not once. It strikes me that I've been so busy being fucked up, I forget that other people are fucked up too.

Jimin and I leave the bathroom together. Once in the hallway, I watch him head over to Yoongi's locker, where he's putting some books away. I see Jimin hold his hand out, the hand that has the blade. Yoongi looks Jimin up and down, and says something that I can't hear from over here. Jimin replies, and I can see Yoongi's face dropping into a frown. Then he takes the razor from Jimin and pockets it, then pulls him into a gigantic hug.

I never knew I could know so much about my friends and yet not know anything at all. I sigh, and turn in the opposite direction down the hallway. I decide that I should just wander the school until the lunch period is over; I don't want to risk running into Jungkook.

Unfortunately, my plan of being alone goes entirely down the drain. Not even five minutes into my wandering and I spot Jong in and his little group minions blocking my way in an abandoned hallway.

I stop short. There's about five of them, so if I happen to piss one off, it won't go well for me.

"Hey." I say, as casually as I can.

"Forget the pleasantries, Kim," Jong in spits nastily. "I told Jeon I'd get my revenge, and this is it."

"So why are you standing in front of me?" I ask, rather sarcastically. "He's nowhere around."

Jong in steps closer. "Because." He smirks. "Don't you know? The best way to hurt Jeon Jungkook is to hurt Kim Taehyung. And there's nothing he can do about it now."

I stand up a little straighter, trying to act confident. "And what about when Jungkook finds you? I bet you won't be so smug then." What Jong in doesn't know is that even if Jungkook knew I was about to get beat up, he probably wouldn't care.

But he just laughs in my face at the words. "Sorry, sugar, but you know as well as I do that Jungkook isn't going to do anything about this."

He doesn't know, does he?

I'm about to open my mouth to say something else sarcastic, when all of Jongin's group moves closer to me, sadistic grins on all of their faces. I don't even know who throws the first punch. Soon I'm on the ground, trying to cover my face and stomach as the countless kicks and hits come my way.

I want it to stop.

I want the ground to swallow me up.

I want to die.

Tears are streaming down my face, but I make no sound. I deserve this pain. I deserve everything.

"Stupid emo faggot," Jong in growls, kicking me especially hard in the stomach with a heavy black shoe.

"Who's going to save you now?"

A small whimper escapes my lips, and I look up for a second to see a flash of familiar clothing. Standing at the beginning of the hallway, overlooking the scene unfolding in front of him, is none other than Jeon Jungkook. There is no emotion on his face.

He does nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Jong in stops the assault on me for a moment, just to watch. Jungkook and I stare at each other; I'm begging, pleading him with my eyes to do something, anything. Eventually, he looks up at Jong in, then back at me, then back up. And proceeds to do the very thing I never thought he would do. He turns around, slowly, and walks away.

Jong in laughs out loud. A fresh wave of tears are rolling down my face, and the words, "no no no don't leave please don't leave," are spewing out of my mouth desperately.

A couple more punches and boots to my sides for good measures, and then they're done with me. I'm left alone in the hallway, curled into a ball, crying my eyes out. They're done with me.

Jungkook is done with me. Now I'm done with me too.

That was the last chance

I'm done


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