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"I promise," he replies gently, and
kisses me again. We fall back against the bed, Jungkook landing on top of me.

Suddenly, I cry out in pain. He had hit my stomach, and I can feel some of the cuts reopening.

He hears the noise, and pulls away, looking at me with worry. "What's wrong?" he asks.

I wince, and pull myself from under him to further up the bed, holding my side. "It's just-" I gasp as another spike of stabbing pain goes up my side; I had moved too much. "-the cuts," I finish.

I don't have to say anything else,
because Jungkook has jumped off the bed.

"Stay here," he says, and runs to the bathroom. He reappears a minute later with a first aid kit.

"Take off your shirt," he orders me, and climbs back on the bed by my side.

"Yes, Doctor Jeon." The little smile I give him quickly turns into a grimace as I tug the shirt over my head and throw it to the floor, trying to not move too much.

Jungkook's face is a mask of sadness as he appraises my torso for the second time in two days. I look down. It looks almost worse than before, because yes, a lot of the cuts reopened and are now oozing blood.

"Shit." He says softly, then opens the first aid kit, grabbing gauze, band aids, and some antibiotic ointment before laying it out on the bed.

"You might want to get the steri strips,"
I say quietly. "The band aids might not do it."

Jungkook looks at me with the face of a startled deer. "How many times have you had to do this?"

I look down. "A lot."

He bites his lip, looking heartbroken, before leaning in and giving me a small kiss on the lips. Then he leans back and picks up the gauze. I hold back a gasp of pain when he presses it against the wounds, even though he does it as gently as possible.

We sit in silence as Jungkook continues to tend to my self-inflicted wounds, cleaning the blood off and bandaging them, occasionally applying antibiotic to the worse looking ones.

After a few minutes, Jungkook suddenly shakes his head and gives a dry, humorless laugh.

"What?" I ask.

He shakes his head again. "Nothing. I mean- not nothing. It's just, there's so many books and movies out there about this kind of thing. It romanticizes
all of it." He pauses what he's doing to look me in the eyes.

"But there's nothing romantic about this."

It breaks my heart that he has to realize this. "I know," I say after a space of silence. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you're letting me help you." Jungkook places the last bandage, and then hands me my shirt. "There you go. All patched up."

He puts the supplies away as I pull my shirt on. "Thank you," I say, and I know he knows that I'm not just saying thank
you for the first aid care.

He smiles and kisses me again, and god, I can never get enough of his kisses.

"I love you," he says, and it makes me want to hear those three words come out of his mouth over and over again.
"I love you too."

He's about to kiss me again when we're both startled by the noise of a door slamming downstairs. Jungkook jumps away from me and looks around.

"Is that your parents?" he asks. "I
thought they weren't getting home until Sunday"

"I thought so too."

But I can hear Taeyong's voice, so I know they are home indeed. I check the time. It's almost 10, pretty late. Maybe his game got done early?

"TAE!" My mom yells from downstairs.

Jungkook gives me an apologetic glance. I sigh and turn to trudge down the stairs.

Well, shit.


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