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I stumble into school about ten minutes late the next morning with red eyes and an air of sluggishness, sporting an awful hangover. I may or may not have pulled out a bottle of vodka sometime during the night, and I don't remember much after that. After throwing up a couple times in the morning and listening to Taeyong yell at me as we rushed to school, I'm now just wanting to curl up somewhere and sleep.

I'm somehow able to avoid Jungkook for the first part of the day. When I plop down at out usual table for lunch, I'm hoping he doesn't show up at all. I'm rubbing my tired eyes when I hear Yoongi, who's sitting across from me say, "You don't look so good, dude."

"Thanks man," I reply sarcastically, glaring at him. "Really appreciated."

"But really." He raises an eyebrow, looking worried. "What's up?"

I shake my head a little, not wanting to talk about it. "It's nothing."

Yoongi opens his mouth to say something else, but all of a sudden Jungkook comes into my peripheral vision, sitting himself down next to me. Just my luck.

There's an awkward silence as I stare directly in front of me, not wanting to acknowledge his presence.

"Tae." he says.

I don't say anything.

"Tae, please."

Still nothing. Yoongi is looking back and forth between us.

"Why didn't you answer any of my texts? I was worried out of my mind."

That's makes me snap. I push my chair back forcefully, hissing, "I honestly can't believe you. You don't get to be worried anymore, so just leave me the fuck alone. That's what you wanted in the first place anyway." I stand up, yanking my backpack up from the floor. I whip around and leave Jungkook and Yoongi staring after me with wide eyes. I leave the lunchroom in a huff with the intention of heading to an abandoned bathroom, but I'm not looking where I'm going and run right into Jimin, who's just entering.

"Sorry," I mutter, trying to go around him.

He grabs my arm, stopping me. "Wait, Tae. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I yank my arm away and dodge around him, and this time he lets me go.

When I get to the said bathroom, I drop my bag on the floor and sit by the wall as I pry the case off my phone. With shaking fingers, I grab the small blade that I hid in there for times like this. It's mostly new, so incredibly sharp.

Just as I'm about to press it into my skin, the door bangs open and Jimin walks in. I quickly hide the piece of metal behind my back, but it's too late. He spots me. Jimin's eyes fill with sadness and he steps closer.

"Tae," Jimin says sternly as he crouches
down in front of me. "Did you and Jungkook break up?"

"How'd you know?" I whisper.

"I can't think of anything else that would make you this upset."

I don't answer, just stare at the tiled floor. Jimin looks me right in the eyes, unflinchingly. "Give it to me," he says, and I know what he's talking about.

"No." I scoot back a little more against the wall.

"Give it to me right now, Tae, or I swear to God I will go right over to Jungkook and get him to take that away from you

My eyes widen a bit; the last person I want is to see Jungkook. "Don't you dare."

"So give it." He holds his hand out.

"Jimin..." I'm holding the piece of metal so tight I think it might be slicing my skin.

"I don't care," Jimin says. "I'm not letting you do this to yourself. Now am I getting Kook or will you be sensible?"

I sigh, and then slowly, hesitantly, drop the blade into Jimin's hand. His fingers close around it. "There you go. Thank you."

"What are you going to do with it?" I ask, voice slightly over a whisper.

He shrugs, looking away. "I don't know. I can't keep it."


"Because I might use it myself." His lips curve into a sarcastic smile when he sees my face. "I know, I'm a hypocritical asshole. Doesn't excuse you though."


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