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He looks a little hurt. "I...I don't know."

"You like girls, Yoongi. You always have."

Yoongi stares down at the fabric of the couch at this. Then, so soft I can barely hear him, he mumbles, "Well you're not a girl."

"What?" My voice cracks unattractively.

He looks back up at me with the eyes of a puppy dog. "I'm sorry, I really am. But I like you Jimin, and I think I have for a while. I'm not gay or anything...I just like you."

My face is probably as red as a tomato. I've imagined this moment many times, but not once did I think I'd be acting like a middle school girl. Fuck.
"But... you're...but....how? Aren't you like obsessed with girls and sex?" I say the word sex with some disdain.

Yoongi smiles a bit. "I don't like sex."

"What?" My voice cracks again.

"I heard you talking to Jungkook one day, when you told him you were asexual. I was confused at first, but then I looked it up and realized that I was too. It made so much more sense; how I was never interested in it. I tried to hide it, you know with all the girls and stuff, but I don't think I want to anymore."

I'm speechless for a bit. Then I say, "Is this a dream?"

Yoongi laughs. "I sure hope not." Then he scoots closer to me, breath hitting my face. In a low voice, he says, "Can I kiss you?"

I gulp, rather loudly. But I don't pull away. "Yes, please."

A second later Yoongi's mouth is on mine. It's perfect, the way he kisses. It's slow and sensual yet relaxed, only in the way it can be when we know we won't take it any further.

I love it.

After a bit he pulls away, smiling.
"Jimin," he says. "I know it might be weird doing this after Tae and Jungkook already got together, but will you be my boyfriend?"

I'm so happy in this moment that I could fly. "Of course," I reply.

Yoongi and I decide to not tell anyone for now. Considering everything that's going down with Jungkook and Tae, we thought it would be best to focus on that and not have any possible drama regarding us.

I'm pretty happy with it. I get Yoongi to myself, to cuddle and not have to worry about what other people are thinking.
Also, I'm fairly sure that Yoongi is very comfortable with letting the entire school know that he's dating a boy. I don't blame him; for someone like Yoongi it can't be easy to come out.

It's on a slow moving Wednesday a couple days later when I'm minding my own business, walking down the hallway between classes.

I don't even realize what's going on until I'm dragged into the men's bathroom and find myself face to face with none other than Min Yoongi.

I glare daggers at him. "You scared me, asshole."

He shrugs. "I can leave if you want."

Then he leans in and plans a slow, deep kiss on my lips. "But that would mean I wouldn't be able to do this."

I sigh happily against his lips. "Okay, don't leave."

He grins and we make out for a little bit, but then the bell rings and I'm quickly brought to my senses. "Shit," I say.

"We're gonna be late for class."


"So," I drawl. "I can't be late. I have things to learn."

"Nerd," He mutters jokingly, but he lets me go, and I pick up my bag.

We leave the bathroom together, but as we head to class, I notice both Tae and Jungkook standing at the other end of the hallway. They're talking quietly, and I notice that Tae looks rather melancholy.

I suddenly feel bad. I've been so caught up with Yoongi that I had forgotten to check up on how they were doing.

Oh well, I think. Now's not the time, but I'll have to remember to see them after school.

Yoongi and I part ways at my classroom, but not before he looks around and plants a chaste kiss on my lips. I can barely contain my smile as I walk into class, and I think I see some people giving me funny looks.

I don't even care.

Because right now, everything is good.


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