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Soon, he comes through the bathroom door with a big medical bag. He takes in the situation with quickly, and then drops to his knees by me. He lifts my hands from the towel on the right wrists, taking a quick look at it, before pressing my hand back down.

"Keep pressure on that, Jungkook, I need to stitch it up as soon as possible," he says, still cool as a cucumber as he zips open his bag and takes supplies out.

I nod. "Dr. Park, is he going to be okay?"

He stands up quickly and heads over to the sink to disinfect his hands as he says, "I'm optimistic, but I'm not sure. He hasn't lost too much blood yet; the cuts aren't fatally deep. But we have no idea how many pills he took before hand, he might need his stomach pumped."

I don't reply, but a tear squeezes its way out and slips down my cheek. I'm on the verge of a total breakdown, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. This is all your fault, Jungkook. You're so selfish. Dr. Park is working as fast as he can beside me. By this time, the wound has been more or less cleaned and disinfected, and he has the needle ready and his hands are covered with surgical gloves. He has me press gauze around the wound as he begins to stitch up Tae's left wrist. I'm still pressing on his right. "Jungkook," Dr. Park says suddenly. "Why didn't you call 911 right away?"

"I..."I take in a breath, closing my eyes for a moment. "I was hoping I wouldn't need to. I know Tae wouldn't want everyone knowing he tried to kill himself. There would be way to much pain involved, for everyone."

Dr. Park looks up from what he's doing to give me a serious look. "Then maybe he shouldn't have tried to kill himself."

I open my mouth to defend Tae, but he cuts me off.

"I'm not trying to be insensitive Jungkook. But Taehyung should've known what his death would do to everyone surrounding him. Regardless, it happened. And we'll pray that he pulls through, because without the proper supplies, nothing is certain."

More tears spill down my face at these words. "I can't lose him," I sob, voice quiet.

Dr. Park gives me a sympathetic look.
"Life gives and takes, Jungkook. At least you called me, and I'm doing what I can."

I nod, still crying. Dr. Park finishes stitching up the cut, and is busy applying antibiotics and bandaging it tightly. He gives it a light pat when he's done, and slips the gloves off. I watch as he takes different instruments out and checks Tae's pulse and blood pressure.

After a few minutes, he sets everything
down and looks at me. "He's doing okay. His heart rate is fairly normal, which means the pills haven't taken much effect. His left wrist is the only one that needed stitching, I think the bleeding has mostly stopped."

I stare at him hopefully. "He's going to be okay?"

"I think so. It's impossible to know for sure until 24 hours. We could still take him to the hospital, but it wouldn't make much of a difference at this point, as long as you made him throw up as much as you could."

I nod quickly. "I did. And if he was going to take more when I stopped him, that must have meant that he thought he needed more?"

Dr. Park shrugs. "Possibly. For now, though, we need to decide what to do. Someone needs to watch him, and I prefer it be me, just to be sure. Would you be willing to take him to my house once he wakes?"

"Yes, but-" I pause. "Will he wake up soon?"


"What about his parents?"

"I don't approve of you not telling them, but if that's what Tae wants, I'd be willing to come up with a lie."

"You'd do that?"
Dr. Park gives me a small smile. "Like I said, if that's what Tae wants. I'm a doctor, not his parents." He stands up.

"For now, let's get Tae onto the bed until he regains consciousness."

I stand to my feet as well, laying Tae's head gently onto the floor. Dr. Park leans down and picks him up, one arm under his knees and the other under his shoulders. When he stands up again, Tae's head lolls back and an arm flops to the side. I almost start crying again as I see his gentle face, so peaceful. I can't believe he actually tried to kill himself.

Yes, you can. Because you caused it.
I shake my head. This was his own choice. But he wouldn't have done it if I hadn't walked away from him.

Dr. Park sets Tae down on the bed softly, setting his head down on a soft pillow. I move over to the side of the bed and lean over his body as Dr. Park takes a seat next to the bed. Placing a hand on the side of his beautiful face, not caring that Dr. Park is standing right there, I lean down and press a long kiss to his forehead, stroking his cheek softly.


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