Part 2

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PoV: Sonic

"Bye bye everyone. See you Monday! Enjoy your weekend!" I waved goodbye to my students for the week and went to clean up my classroom.

  I had started packing away more than just was couldn't stay over the summer. I had to tear down the decorations and take everything out of my desk. I should start job hunting when I get home. I need money to pay for my rent...

  I started taking books I had purchased for students off the shelves to donate, "Ah... right..." I picked up the book the kids had made, "I won't get to read this anymore..."

"That's great, did the students make it?"

"Ah?!" I jumped as someone was suddenly behind me.

"Sorry, I just came in to look at my new classroom. I need to set it up over summer break," I was met with a woman in a suit."

"So you're the new teacher... I didn't know you would be here today. I would have moved everything out sooner," I clutched the binder."

"I'll handle taking the decorations down. You just pack up what you need to take home again. It isn't fair to you. I hope you find a place where your future students love you as much as this class did. I can tell you're a good teacher. I wish you well. You can keep the binder. I'm sure your students wouldn't mind. You have a nice summer," she walked past me and began tearing down the students summer wish drawings.

  I hate this... this was my classroom... I can't believe I lost it to someone else...

"I'm heading home," I grabbed the last of my things and left, "Enjoy your new classroom..."

PoV: ...

A teacher? They're a teacher at this school. I had watched the school all afternoon, waiting for that bright blue the Master Emerald had shown us. That same shade of blue... It was the color of a teachers fur.

I carefully came out of hiding as walked toward the entrance. The teacher had a box in their arms. Just to be sure.

PoV: Sonic

  I can't believe I only have one week left. I can't find a job in a week-

"Ow.." I was bumped into just before I found myself and my things on the ground.

"Appologies. I didn't see you there," a hand was held out for me by someone hiding below their hoodie.

"It's okay. I gotta pick this up anyway," I sat myself up and picked the box back up, putting everything back inside, "I'll sift through the broken stuff later."

"I hope nothing is broken. Are you packing for the summer break?" He knelt down and began picking things up.

"No just packing... Not sure what I'll do with this old stuff yet, I hope I get the chance to use them again next year," I sighed, "Thank you for helping."

"Of course. That sounded like you've lost your role as a teacher here," he picked a pencil I hadn't notice off the floor.

"The school has been planning a remodel over sumer break, I just wish I had known that ment the teachers too," I watched as another teacher carried away their packed up things. I can't believe he'd do this to us. Good teachers shouldn't be cast aside.

"That's very unfortunate..." he was silent a moment before he started looking through the box in my arms. He pulled out my note pad and wrote something down, "There's a daycare center where I live. I heard they were hiring. It may not be a classroom, but I thought I should offer you an option."

"I... I actually really needed that. Thank you..." It felt unreal, a stranger helping me find a job opening after he knocked me over, "I'll apply, thank you."

"You seem passionate, I'm sure you'll do great. Sorry for bumping into you, I hope it all goes well," he waved and went on his way.

"Goodbye sir," I continued on my way home.


"A daycare huh? I wonder what it's like," I looked up the daycare on my phone as I got ready for bed, "Hm? Younger kids, that could be fun. I'll do projects with them. They are hiring, not bad hours and pay either. Alright," I opened the application form, "I'll apply here tonight."

PoV: ...

"How did it go, Mephiles? Learn anything about them?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, we should expect a job application soon. We will accept all applicants after tonight, for an interview. We will know when they're here," I replied, glancing at the Master Emerald.

"We will get ready at once. Let's get to work."



Oo~ Sonic applied for the job. Any ideas on what it'll be like? Find out soon!

Bye bye~ 😚😚😚

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