Part 26

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PoV: Sonic

I can't believe I've pushed 4 eggs out of my body... Mephiles' were less painful but... I made so many more weird sounds. What am I supposed to do!? I've got two jerks who both want sex almost everyday, not only that but they both want me pregnant!

"Argh! It's too emberassing!" I shouted into my pillow, "It's impossible... I can't end up laying an egg every time we have sex. It's not fair! Why don't they make condoms for this crap!"

  I was stuck in bed again since the laying left me sore. Mephiles eggs were more speckled than Knuckles. Both had black spots but Mephiles were a dark grey. Knuckles eggs were bright blue. I fell asleep before I could see the eggs after sunset. Mephiles told me they had a brightest glow he'd ever seen.

"Glow in the dark eggs huh? I wonder if his cum glows too," I sighed.

"You know, that's a good question. I'm kinda curious too," I froze as Knuckles was suddenly behind me.

"How long have you been in here?!" I sat up and that quickly went wrong, "Ngh!"

"Hey, don't push yourself," he helped me lay back down on my stomach, "I just came in. It's time for your medicine."

"Knuckles..." I could vaguely recall what Shadow had said yesterday, "I think Shadow said everyone here oviparous... That can't be true can it?"

"Oh yeah, of course it's true. All of us create eggs after mating. Eclipse will even be adding a nesting room specially for you. That way you always have a comfortable place to lay your eggs for us. We can display them all safely. The construction will start once you've picked the hotel for us."

  An entire room just to lay eggs!? They're all oviparous...

"I'm gonna be laying eggs until I die..." I whined.

"Don't silly, it won't be until you die. It'll just be until your menopause starts. But," Knuckles held my hand tightly and knelt down besides my bed, "I'm happy you want me to stay with you for the rest of our lives. It's almost as if the kids wedding was a real wedding! We're having our honey moon the moment you aren't sore!"

"That's not-" He kissed me and suddenly pulled the shirt I was wearing up, " Oi! I'm still too sore for that right now!"

"I'm applying medicine silly. You never do wear underwear or shorts at night. It would be so easy to tease you," he started gently applying medicine inside and around the rim of the area.

  It was like magic, all of a sudden I felt so much better. Not sore at all. Knuckles was staring at me for a while now though.

"Is something wrong. I'm not bleeding am I?" I hadn't ever torn or bled with any of the eggs before, but it was a possibility. I'm actually surprised Knuckles hasn't torn me yet.

"No, you're just cute is all," Knuckles smiled before pulling his fingers out and wiping his hand, "You should be fine now. But..."

"Ah!" I was rolled onto my back and my hands pinned over my head. Wait why is he pinning me?! "K-Knuckles-"

"I'm not giving up any of my sex days to Mephiles. You're mine too, don't forget that," he whispered into my ear, licking the inside, "You owe me kisses from the last two days. I'm raising my kissing tax to three times a day."

"Careful," I flinched as Knuckles rested his head on my stomach. He let my arms go.

"I miss cuddling..." he buried his face into my chest, "I want to burry my dick deep inside you and leave it overnight~ I wanna fall sleep inside you~"

"I think you have cuddling and sex mixed up," I flicked his forehead.

"Why can't I have both?" He had started kissing my chest.

"Knuckles, don't do that right now," Seriously... I don't wanna be turned on if I can't cum.

  I sighed as I pushed him away. I climbed on him and rested on his chest instead. He smiled and started to gently rub my back. Knuckles had a pretty great chest. It was soft even if he was mostly muscle. He's always playing with my chest. Mephiles was pretty intense on my nipples. I wonder if. I gently traced my hand along Knuckles pecks until I found it buried underneath his vibrat crimson fur. My hand was immediately grabbed and pulled away. Knuckles pulled me close to his face, raising my chin.

"Don't start something if you don't plan to let me finish inside you," his voice got so deep, his glare was so intense.

"S-sorry..." even one touch and he wants to fuck me?! Even foreplay is dangerous. Maybe tomorrow then... If I'm healed again.

  I haven't heard that weird voice for a while. It always shows up when I'm sore. Maybe... it was just in my head?

PoV: Knuckles

  Just now... he was trying to fondle my chest... I had already gotten semi hard the moment Sonic had started tracing his fingers on my chest. I had to withhold myself. He might have been healed by the master emerald, but he was still exhausted. But... three nights without sex is too long! Sonic hadn't seemed to notice yet, he remained still as he rested on my chest. Sonic couldn't see the green aura that surrounded him when the Master Emerald healed him either. Almost as if the emerald didn't want us to tell Sonic about it's existence yet. However... I was fully hard now. Sonic had fallen asleep but his lips... it was direct contact. Why...

Why must I be tortured but some so adorably oblivious!



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