Part 28

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PoV: Sonic

"Haah...." I felt my body's strong reaction to his touch. Shadow wasn't leaving a spot on my body untouched. Even with only one hand, he had me at his mercy.

I agreed without thinking, my body can't keep up... They're all horny beasts... and here I thought I was too horny...

"Aah~♡!" I felt the warmth of a tongue along the backside of my dick... "Shadow... Ngh♡! It's senstive~" I could hardly speak, my body was trembling from the feeling. It's not normally this intense...

PoV: 3rd Person

What neither of them knew, was the aphrodisiac released from Mephile's eggs was still present in Sonic's blood stream. Though not enough to effect him when calm. Once his heart began to rush and his heat was activated, and the aphrodisiac would take a much milder effect on him.

Shadow groped Sonic's thigh as he began to suckle on the sensitive pink colored tip. He slid down the smooth shaft, his tongue curling around it's form once. Sonic quivered to the unexpected sensation of a long tongue. Shadow pulled back, exposing the tongue. Sonic's face flushed red as he saw his dick being wrapped up in a fleshy ribbon. Shadow grinned as the tongue began to slither up and down, stimulating Sonic at a slow pace. Still, he suckled on the tip behind his lips.

Chaos... it feels insane... his tongue... his tongue is so intense~ Sonic was only more erect from witnessing the act himself.

"... Shadow..." Sonic gasped as Shadow began to move his lips along the sensative organ. He'd let go of Sonic hands to hold his hips tight against his cheeks, "Shadow~♡"

The dark furred hedgehog purred hearing his name cried out in pleasure. He happily swallowed as Sonic's back arched and he came.

"...a...ah~" Sonic panted as he relased the last of his seed.

"Delcious~" Shadow smirked as he swallowed every last drop, "I knew you were into tentacles. I'm glad to know you like tongues too. You certainly have some specific kinks. Sonic... what kinda porn do you watch?"

"... w-what kinda question is that?!" Sonic's lit up bright red in emberassment, "Why would you ask that?!"

"You really watch it then huh?" Shadow just smiled at his new boyfriend's reaction, knowing full well what it ment.

"I'm not telling you!" Sonic was suddenly held close, Shadow was keeping him from running away.

"Why not? If I know what you like I might be able to make your fantasies come true," Shadow picked up Sonic and began carrying him away.

"No way, you'll kill me!"

"What does that mean?" Shadow grined, "You watch something pretty dirty if you like tentacles and tongues~"

"Never! Where the hell are you taking me? Put me down!" Sonic had finally noticed he was being carried away.

"I'm giving you a wash. You're all sweaty, and you're covered in slik," Shadow answered and Sonic became flustered again as he realized the mess he was.

"I can do it myself, put me down..."

"No, too late. I'm washing you."


Sonic wound up washing himself in the end anyway.

PoV: Sonic

What the hell did I do? I can't date all three of them. Knuckles wants 3 days a week but Shadow wants 4. And Mephiles want every day. Not only that but Shadow is also oviparous. I can't lay anymore eggs. It's weird enough having four. What am I just supposed to have a wall of unfertalized eggs?!

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