Part 5

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PoV: Sonic

"Everyone's having fun," I watched as the kids ran around outside. I had finished tutoring for this group, it would be a while before the next group came in.

"You're pretty quick when it comes to tutoring kids. Our last tutor was strict. She wouldn't even let the kids talk until their homework was done," Knuckles checked his watch, "Shadow and Mephiles should come by with snacks in an hour."

"So they make all the snacks from scratch? How nice. Schools always use prepackaged food for the kids. I'm glad they can eat fresh food here," I watched as everyone played together, I think I like this better than teaching.

"Excuse me..." I heard a small voice behind me, "I can't reach the sign in sheet."

"Ah, did you just get dropped off? Where are you guardians?" I looked around for an adult, but I only saw a small fox boy standing alone by the door.

"They don't come here," he spoke.

"Is that so?" I took the sheet, "Well, do you remember their phone number? Just incase something happens?"

"I can fill it out myself," He took the clipboard from me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"... miles..." he sighed. He looks so sad... he's older than the other kids here.

"Well Miles, is there anything you'd like to do today? We have some decorations you can color in. Almost everyone is outside, would you like to join them?" I knelt down besides him.

"I'd like to read lone please," he went along and sat down in the reading corner by himself. Even just reading, he seemed so distant.

"Miles came in today," Knuckles came in, "He's always in that reading corner. He does his homework and sits alone most of the time. I haven't been able to get through to him. He seems unhappy, I've never met his parents so I don't know his situation."

"... really?" I hated seeing any kid depressed. He can't go on like that, he needs to enjoy his childhood, even if it's only here, he needs a place to be happy, "Do you happen to know what snacks he likes?"

"Not really, he keeps to himself most of the time," Knuckles sighed. I watched as he flipped through several books that were far below his reading level, "Hey! Charmy, put down the stick. I'll be right back Sonic."

"No, go. Let me know if you need my help," I watched as Knuckles ran off to chase the boys who were having a stick fight.

I looked through my bag and found a book close to a third grade reading level, "Looking for a good book?"

"... no..." Miles turned away.

"How about this one? Its about a young girl who wants to be a detective," I handed him the book.

"It has chapters," he flipped through it, "Can I really borrow this?"

"Of course. I'll even let you keep it. If you want," I took a seat besides him, "Do you like chapter books, Miles?"

"... They're okay," he had something by his side, it looked like a small robot made to small building blocks.

"Did you make this?" I picked it up.

"Don't take it!" He quickly snatched it from my hands and backed away. That reaction...

"I won't take it. I promise," I stayed where I was. He was so defensive at such a young age, "Can I guess what it is?"


"Is it... a robot? Or a race car? Maybe it's a monster~"

"No, it's a plane," he started fiddling with it. Next thing I knew, it was gliding about a foot in the air before landing, "But it doesn't go very far."

"It actually flew! Miles that's amazing!" I couldn't believe it, this kid had really made a flying toy plane from plastic peices, "I'm sure you'll be able to make it fly around the room in no time."

"...You like it?" He picked it back up, "You don't think its dumb?"

"I think it's amazing that you can understand and build a machine from just its parts. You could make an amazing engineer," I looked around, "You know what, I think you belong with the building blocks. What do ya say? Wanna show me some of your cool building tricks, Miles?"

"... Yeah..." he was finally smiling, "I can build with you... Ms?"

"You can just call me Sonic, sound good Miles?" I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Yeah," he seemed happy while we built with the blocks together. He even joined the homework table and got his school work done with everyone.

"Hi, can I build with you today Miles?" Cream and Cheese came over to Miles, they were getting along great.

"How did you do that?" Knuckles came up behind me, "He looks happier."

"I just talked to him. He likes building, so I offered some actives around his likes. I did notice he had a negative reaction around his name sometimes. What do think about Tails?" I watched as Cream started setting blocks around Miles' build.

"Tails?" Knuckles took a seat besides me.

"For his nickname. I think he might like it," I wrote down the name Tails on a 'hello' sticker.

"He might, has a better ring than Miles," Knuckles replied.

"Alright," I pealed the sticker off the sheet and walked up to Miles, "Hey Miles, how's it going on you project?"

"Hi," it was that same unethusiastic voice he gave out each time he heard his name. His voice became more cheerful as he went on about his and Cream's idea, "Where building a huge castle with awesome defenses."

"That sounds super cool. I was thinking, you need a cool nickname. Lots of mechanics go by nicknames in the shops they work at. It might not be the same for engineers, but that might mean your the first to have a cool nickname."

"You really want to give me a nickname?" He had almost a look of disbelief and excitement in his eyes. I held out the sticker for him.

"What do you think of the name Tails?" I asked.

"Tails..." he took the sticker and stuck it onto his shirt, "I like it!"

"Tails it is. Nice to meet ya Tails," I ruffled his fur a bit.

"You name is Tails now?" Cream asked, "I like it, I think is make you sound cool."

"Yeah!" Tails was so much happier than when he first came in.

"Looks like he liked it. I've never seen him so happy before," Knuckles kept watching as Tails was playing together with Cream.

"I was a teacher before coming here. I've seen depression in kids before. I've learned it's just best to give them a space where they can feel safe and happy. It's all I can give them, and I won't stop helping when I can," I took a seat at my desk, "My classroom ment the world to me. I like to think of this as my next class. All these kids deserve to have a fun day here, don't you think?"

"Yeah, of course."

PoV: Knuckles

He was amazing... every part of him was like a miracle. It had only been a few days, and Sonic had made the care room a bright place to work it.

Tails had never cheered up no matter what I tried, Sonic had made him one of the happiest kids here in a single day. Master Emerald... you sent us someone amazing.

I can't believe someone like him exists



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