Part 14

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PoV: Knuckles

"Ugh..." Sonic was whining as soon as he was up this morning. He laying over my stomach when I got up, fully awake, "I feel bloated..."

"You did eat four chillidogs yesterday..." I yawned. He's finally snuggling with me because he wants to, "I don't think you're ment to eat so many."

"You know that's not the reason," Sonic huffed, "There's a stupid egg growing. I'm gonna feel like this all week..." he whined again.

"I think your little belly is cute," I kissed his hand, "Are you hungry?"

"No..." he buried his face into my stomach, "woah!" He jumped up and just stared at me, "What... why the hell did your abs move aside like that?"

"It's my pouch," I laughed at him, "It's where I'll carry the egg to protect it when you aren't watching it. The baby will fit too for a while. Until he grows out of it."

"O-oh... I didn't know males carried the eggs for Echidnas," he placed his hand on my stomach again.

"Both genders have a pouch for echidnas. Parenting can be split equally that way.

"You talk about having a baby a lot... it kinda freaks me out... How can you be so sure it's what you want? You don't know what the kid will be like. What if I'm not the type of mother you want?"

"I know because everyday I work with kids. Everyday, I imagine my own kid playing with the others after school. I know they'll have their own identity. They'll need to learn who they are. Doesn't matter if the kid isn't a perfect child everyone else wants. Reckless, messy. They're mine, and I love them. That's all that matters. Hedgehog or echidna. What ever we get," I pulled him down over me again. His face was bright red.

"I-I need to get ready for work. Y-you should too," he got up and ran to his dresser.

"I will," I got out of his bed and ruffled his fur, "See you at work."

I shut the door, just before cracking it again. From there I watched as Sonic fell to his knees and covered his face.

"... What the hell was that... He really wants me to get pregnant... What am I supposed to do..." he was flustered and embarrassed. I shut the door and let him be. Although, I wasn't expecting the condom to break on us last night.

"Shadow," I found Shadow in my room, "Looking for something?"

"Have you explained things to him yet?" He asked.

"I'm still convincing him to be okay with just the infertile eggs. You guys are already flirting with him so eventually he'll fall for one of you two. He's pretty shy about sex so you'll need to be patient," I couldn't help but enjoy the memory of last night, "He's definitely worth the wait."

"You seemed to rush more than any of us," Shadow left and I glanced at the egg Sonic first laid.

He's just so adorable, I had to have him first.

PoV: Sonic

I still feel bloated... Damn it, the stupid condom had to tear. None of my usual work clothes felt comfortable. I wound up wearing some leggings and sweater.

"I should grab some breakfast," I left to the kitchen, Mephiles was cooking, "Good morning."

"Good morning, he handed me a plate just as I was about to open the fridge, "Breakfast is ready."

"Oh, thank you," I sat my plate down on the table and poured myself some juice, "You cook almost everyday before I'm even up."

"I enjoy cooking for you," he took a seat next to me after setting out 2 more plates. He started eating besides me.

"It's spicy," It was a mildly hot omelet. Mephiles almost never made anything special.

"Just yours, you add hot sauce to almost every meal you have so I know it's a flavor you like," he still placed the bottle of hotsauce besides me.

"Thanks," I was still getting used to food being cooked so often.

"Yes, breakfast!" Knuckles sat down besides me and started to each.

I can't believe he said all of that... I couldn't look at Knuckles in the eye while I ate. I went to work before him to set up the activities I had prepared today.

"Hello, I hope you don't mind that were a bit early," Vanilla had arrived with Cream and Cheese already, "Unfortunately I was called into work early. The stand mixer is acting up again."

"It's no problem at all. Goodmorning Cream, goodmorning Cheese. Would you like to help me set up today's activies?" I knelt down and greeted them both.

"Yes please! Let me got set my things down Mr. Sonic!" The both went to pick their cubby for their things.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate you taking care of them so well," Vanilla bowed just before she smiled and left.

"Bye Mama!" Cream waved goodbye as Vanilla left.

"Chao chao!" Cheese imitated his sibling before they started helping me.


"Alright Charmy I'll see ya later. I've got a case too get to," I grabbed the chart as Vector came by to drop off Charmy, "Hiya Cream," he was looking around, "Did your mom leave already?"

"Yes, but she'll be back at six like always," Cream answered, "You should bring her lilies. Thise are her favorite."

"Oh, well... I'll try to after work," Vector laughed, "Sonic, where's Knuckles?"

"He hasn't clocked in yet. He's usually on time," I hadn't even noticed Knuckles hadn't come down yet.

Did I make him uncomfortable? Our talk this morning was kinda...

"Charmy, goodmorning," Knuckle came in just in time, "Sorry, I spill my coffee and needed to change. It wasn't too hard without me was it?"

"No, just three kids so far," I answered, it felt a bit better talking to him, it's still awkward for me tho...

"Mr. Sonic, can we have a snack please?" Cream and Charmy came up to me.

"Hmm, since it's only you three right now it's okay. I'll go get some fruit cups. Can you watch them Knuckles?" I got up and walked to the door.

"Sure," Knuckles replied, which allowed me to leave.

"Hey guys," I walked into the kitchen where Mephiles and Shadow were cooking, "Mind if I take some extra fruit cups-"

"Sonic look out!"

●  ●  ●

"Huh?" There wasn't a single thing spilled, the pot had been grabbed... and I wasn't by the door anymore... I froze as I realized was being held but a strange black entity... the same long limbs that had caught the pot before it hit the ground. Though the steaming water had still spilled all over the ground, "W... What the hell is this?"

"Mephiles, what the hell did you do?" Shadow snapped.

"Mephiles..." I look towards him, the tentacles... they were coming from his body... his hands were... they were gone...

My head is spinning... 

"Sonic... I can explain this," Mephile put me down and I felt weak standing on my own.

"Sonic," Shadow caught me as I lost my balance, "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah... just feeling... a little dizzy..."

  Tentacles... he had... Tentacles...

"He's passing out, go get Eclipse! Now..."

  They were real... Tentacles...
... ... ...

... ...




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