Part 18

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PoV: Knuckles

  Sonic had fallen asleep after dinner. Shadow made him dinner, and Sonic couldn't help himself from going to bed early. He needed the rest anyway; his last egg left him more sore than the first.

"How is he?" Eclipse was at the door to Sonic's room as I shut it.

"Resting for the night. Tomorrow, he should be well enough to walk on his own," I answered.

"Good, I want him to be fully recovered before you try for a fertile egg," Eclipse handed me a bandage.

"What's this for?" I took it.

"You have one of his quills in your shoulder. Once he can walk normally without pain, he can return to work," Eclipse left, "and I left a box of chocolates in the kitchen for him if he starts craving anything sweet."

"He'll love that. Maybe I could give him one of my sodas too," I looked towards the door.

"No one here likes grapes that much other than you," Shadow came out if his room.

"The baby will," I stated.

"Oh great, we're going to be stuck with grape sodas for the rest of our lives," Shadow remarked. He quietly went into Sonic's room and came out with the empty dinner tray, "Help us clean up."

"Yeah, sure," I looked back at Sonic's door, I'm sure of it... Sonic will want to give me an egg one day.

PoV: Eclipse

"Master emerald," I approached the massive emerald and bowed my head, "Please tell me. Sonic will be partners with us all, of his own accord. I do not want him hurt, I cannot bring myself to resort to assault for the sake of our species. But still, I feel impatient having to wait for his concent."

  It only glowed, Knuckles was the only one who could physically speak to the emerald. Understand it. I hoped to learn his ways someday.

  The Master Emerald flickerd as it revealed a vision to me. It was Sonic, holding a egg with a red shell. He was smiling and happy... Patients for all of us. It will take time, but we will achieve our needs with a happy mother for our children.

PoV: Sonic

  Mm... what time is it? I woke up and it looked as through it was dawn. The sunlight hadn't reached my window yet. I whined as I got up.

"Damn. Still sore," I sighed. I found my second egg sitting besides me in its incubator. I picked her up, she had gone cold days ago, the incubator was just for decoration.

"Knuckles recognized you as unfertalized right away," I turned on my lamp and held the egg up under it. It looked... slightly green... "I don't think that's the color you're supposed to be. Maybe I should ask Knuckles."

  I cradled the egg as I walked out of my room. I had wrapped myself in a large hoodie I found on my chair to keep warm. I'm still sleepy. Maybe some hot chocolate will put me back to sleep.

"You're up early," Eclipse was in the kitchen when I walked in, "Did you lay another?!"

"No, no, it's um... She looked green under the light so I wanted to ask Knuckles if that ment anything is wrong..." I grabbed an pillow and set the egg down on top.

"That means the egg is expired. I put a coat of epoxy around your 1st egg to keep it from shattering and emanating a rotten egg smell. I can do the same for this one if you'd like," Eclipse took a seat besides me.

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