Part 8

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PoV: Sonic

"Mm... warm~"

It was so warm in bed. I almost never woke up purring. I stretched and found my back sore, but not terrible. I didn't want to get up.

"Good morning," I heard a voice and my comfort was no longer important. I opened my eyes and found Knuckles under me.

"Ah!" I sat up and my head hit the wall, "Tsk... oww..." the wall? Huh? I wasn't home at all. Oh crap...

"I didn't mean to startle you. You were just too cute. Are you hungry?" He got up out of bed. The blanket fell and he was completely naked. Oh crap. It was real...

"Um... I... I should-" I suddenly found myself wrapped in a shirt that was too big, "Knuckles..."

"I'll wash your clothes for you," Knuckles buttoned the shirt and rolled up the sleeves, "You can wear this for now."

"But-" I was picked up off the bed, "Knuckles, where are you taking me?"

"I'm just putting you down," he set me down and handed me a new toothbrush.

"I can wash them it's no big deal-" I reached to grab my pants but my clothes were picked up before I could grab them.

"The bathroom is down the hall, last door on the left if you need it. I'll meet you in the kitchen, straight down the hallway," he left, taking my clothes with him and leaving me in only a button shirt.

I can't just leave... wait... did he use a condom? I quickly rushed down the hall and opened a door.

"Hello," I quickly stepped back and Shadow opened the door, "Sonic you're not here for work I'm assuming."

"N-no... sorry. I'm just uh... I'll be on my way soon, I promise. Sorry," I opened the door behind me and quickly shut it. I took a breath and locked the bathroom door before taking a seat.

This is a disaster... everyone here is related. They all know already. Idiot, why didn't I just tell him no? I hid in the bathroom for as long as I could. I brushed my teeth and fixed my quills. I really looked like I was up all night.

"Idiot... what a way to lose your job," I sighed. Knuckles didn't use a condom... he reached so deep... "Ugh... This is a mess..."

I walked out eventually. I couldn't leave until my clothes were clean now that they were washing. I found Shadow in the kitchen. He set down two plates and mugs, just before sitting himself.

"You must be hungry," he sipped his coffee, "Come eat."

"... Thanks..." I pulled the shirt down as I took a seat, "It looks good."

"Sonic, you're eating. Great," Knuckles came back, "It'll take a few hours, we can relax until then."

"Knuckles," Mephiles came in, "When you bring someone home you could at least give them pants. He looks uncomfortable."

"Alright, who here has the smallest pair then? Mine won't fit him, but my shirts cover him fine," Knuckles was right, unfortunately. There was no way I was going to fit his pants.

"Relax, all of you. Don't make such a ruckus in the morning," It felt like my life was over as Eclipse walked in and filled a mug with coffee, "Good morning Sonic. Nice to see you getting along with everyone. Next time you should have dinner with us. Do you need any other days off this week?"

"... N-no sir. I'll make it to work just fine," I answered, unable to look up from my plate. He doesn't seem upset... Shadow even gave me breakfast... Is there no policy against dating coworkers?

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