Part 25

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PoV: Sonic

  Thank goodness, I'm two weeks away from my ovulation cycle. I don't have to worry about it. I'll have to keep some condoms in my room at this point.

"I'll have to ask his size. I'm pretty sure Knuckles was an xl but those keep breaking on us. Do they even sell any sizes bigger than that?" I set my pill box down after I checked. I hadn't told Knuckles about them... He's so excited for me to get pregnant it felt like I was betraying him by staying on these. But now Mephiles wants sex as often as Knuckles. What if-

"Tsk... ngh... Great, cramping now?" I felt the pain of compression from my womb, "What great timing..."

  I grabbed a hand warmer from my desk drawer and popped it so it would warm up. I placed it against my stomach and laid on my back in bed. Everyone was finished with their shifts, Shadow was cooking tonight.

"Sonic," There was a knock at my bedroom door. The voice sounded like Mephiles, "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure. But you have to bring me the chocolate bar on my desk," I had forgotten to grab it but I didn't want to get up yet.

"Are you alright?" Mephiles came in and grabbed the chocolate like I asked.

"Yeah, just a cramp. I'm fine," I happily took the chocolate, "It usually goes away after some heat."

"That might have to do with what I came here to talk about," Mephiles placed a hand on my stomach, "My species creates eggs as well. They are smaller than an echidna egg-"

"No too?!" Is that why I'm suddenly cramping and bloated?! Not again, I can't keep missing work because I'm laying eggs!


"Mm!" He kissed me....Mephiles has suddenly kissed me, "...Why?!"

"You didn't hear me calling you," he answered, "I should have told you earlier but, my past partners all laid the unfertalized eggs either the next morning or within three days."

  That timing is worse than Knuckles eggs!

"So your saying I'm going to lay an egg now... I'll eat dinner later..."

"It's usually two or three eggs actuallly... So I wanted to stay near you for when you lay them-"

"You're saying I'm gonna lay three eggs at once!? I can hardly get through one without feeling exhuasted," I groaned as the cramping became worse, "Mm... it hurts..."

"I'm not leaving your side," Mephiles pulled me into his arms, "Not for any eggs you lay. Fertile or not."

"Fertile or not?" I felt anxious as I heard those words.

"Of course," he raised my chin, "You're the only one I want to birth and mother my offspring. I'll breed you everyday if I must. Every hour if you request it."

HE'S HORNIER THAN KNUCKLES?! I didn't think that was possible.

"Everyday is a bit much," I answered, being in much less pain as he held me," Sorry but every hour is impossible."

"Every second then?"

"That's even less possible!"

"I wish to be inside you as often as possible," his mouth formed again and he licked my ear, "I will impregnate you over and over again~"

"Ah~ W-wait not right now the eggs are-ah!" My body was starting to heat up and tremble. It felt like I was in heat. Why does this always happen? Why eggs?!

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