Part 17

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PoV: Sonic

It's warm... no... it's hot...

I opened one eye and found nothing but red fur.

"Knuckles... get off... you're like a giant fuzzy heater..." I pushed him only to find no strength left in my body.

"You're awake. Becareful, you can't exert yourself," Knuckles scratched behind my ear, but it was still too hot, "How's your pain? I used the cream you were prescribed for soreness the last time."

"It's more sore around the deeper area... Just like before."

"I'm sorry, I should have applied it deeper," he was talking about something so emberassing... Why does he always find some way to emberasse me?

"D... don't worry about it. I'll apply more-"

"Sonic," Knuckles voice suddenly went serious, "Don't you ever, tell me not to worry about you."

"... Okay..." I've never seen him like that... I quietly nodded. Why did he react lik- "..!"

  He was kissing me. I felt the blanket move off me.

"It's my job to," he started kiss my chest and stomach, "I can't help but worry about you. I love you~"

... love...? Knuckles sat up and placed the egg besides me. This one... it was bigger!

  He had the biggest grin on his face, "I can't wait for the next one you give me."

"The next one?! Knuckles I-"

"Knuckles! You'll be late to work. Vanilla is gonna be here soon!" One of the other's called him.

"I gotta go," Knuckles gave me kiss on the cheek as he got up, "I'll bring you some chillidogs for dinner, Blueberry."

"Blueberry?" I flinched as a shirt suddenly cane over my head. Knuckles was gone before I realized Blueverry was me. He had put the shirt he must have been wearing before laying in my bed on me. His scent was all over this shirt and me... it was still warm...

  He gave me a nick name... Why did he give me a nickname?!

"He had to go and pick a name like Blueberry. It's emberassing..." I hid my face into my hands, "He wants another egg... How many does he plan to have?!"


"Tsk..." I flinched as I started sitting up, "Just gotta get this overwith..."

I lifted the shirt Knuckles lent me. His fit me like a dress, which felt emberassing, but it was too difficult to pull shorts up and down... it was easier... to wear nothing. It's not like anyone knows. So long as the wind doesn't blow the shirt up I'll be fine.

It still doesn't make this position any less emberassing... I spread my legs and applied a little of the cream onto my finger. It hurt, but it would help the pain fade.

"Sonic," I heard someone outside.

"Wait-" The door was opened!

"I brought you a new ice... pack..." Mephiles?!

"It's not... I was applying medicine!" I used my other hand to cover myself an quickly shut my legs, "Ngh!" The quick movements I had made cause the throbbing pain in my body.

"You shouldn't be moving around," Mephiles had just walked up to me.

"I need to apply the medicine... this is the easiest way..." I couldn't grab the blanket with both my hands occupied.

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