Part 3

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PoV: Sonic

"I should apply to more jobs, I might be able to become a teacher again," I opened my computer and started to look online for jobs around me, "Another email huh?"

  I opened the box and found a message from Emerald Daycare. I opened it, it's probably just an automatic thank you for applying.

"Eh? Seriously!" I had gotten an interview for tomorrow. It was so sudden! "An interview... I'll need to get ready. This won't be a bad over the summer job. It'll buy me time to apply for schools over summer."

  I felt anxious as I read more about the daycare center. It looked like it was family owned and had a great playground in its yard. There was even a park nearby. "This is great. I need to get practice my interview and make a resume."

  I quickly opened a new document and set out a snack for myself. I spent the rest of my day working on my resume and getting everything ready for my interview tomorrow morning. That stranger really helped me out. I hope I get to thank him properly. He said he lived in the area. Maybe I should bring a gift incase I see him.


"Okay, ready!" I had my resume printed and a small thank you gift packed into my bag. I checked myself in the mirror one more time, "I look professional, right?"

I wore a cream sweater over my white collar shirt, along with a nice pair of brown pants. Unfortunately all I had at the moment were my red sneakers, "It works, maybe they won't care about the shoes- I'm gonna miss the bus!"

  I ran out and caught the bus in time. It was a short trip to the daycare center, it was full of kids who were having fun. There looked to be a few other adults waiting by the office already.

"Hurry. The kids want their snacks," I moved aside as two cooks came out of a room and to the room across the small hallway. I recognized that deep, melancholy voice from before.

"I've got the drinks," the second cook commented.

  They looked like twins, both hedgehogs with stripes. One black and red, the other Grey and cyan. I guess this place really is family owned.

"10 am appointment, Mr. Hedgehog," I heard my last name called.

  A quick walk up the narrow stairs and there I found the office. I knocked just before I entered.

"It's nice to meet you, Sonic. You can call me Eclipse," I was greeted by a mobian which dark eyes and glowing yellow irises. I don't think I've ever seen his species of mobian. I wonder what animal he is.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Eclipse," I took a seat.

"Let us begin," he took the resume from me and it had started.


"Alright," he pulled something from his desk and held it out. I took it, it was a pink apron with a blank name tag attached to it, "You're hired. Can you start in two weeks?"

"Yes! Absolutle!" I did it... I'm hired... I held the apron, "I'll do my best and work hard."

"Relax. This is a daycare center not a school. Just besure the kids have fun, get their homework finished, and get a nice snack. I can tell already, you're more than fit to be here. I'll see you Monday, two weeks from, now. I'll email you the schedule in advance," he held out his hand.

"Thank you, for this opportunity," I shook his hand and bowed, "I'll see you in two weeks."

  I can't believe it. I own that stranger everything- I stumbled back a bit as I bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention-" it was the cyan and grey cook from before.

"It's alright. Thats one of our aprons, I see you got the job," he smiled, "Well done."

"I recognize you, you're that stranger who bumped into me. Ah, that's right," I pulled the small box of cookies from my bag, "You said you lived around here, I didn't expect you to work here too. But I'm glad. I wanted to thank for letting me know about this place. I'm truly greatful."

"You're welcome. I'm glad to be working with you," he took the cookies from me.

"Hey," the hedgehog with red stripes stuck his head out of the door besides us, "I'm not washing all the dishes alone."

"I'll be right there," he left and I went home for the time being.

I feel so lucky, I won't waste this chance.

PoV: ...

"That was her..." Shadow came up to me as we cleaned the kitchen, "The blue hedgehog, she's going to save us?"

"Yes, according to what Knuckles saw, that was her," I answered.

"Sonic is not a she. He goes by male pronouns," Eclipse came in with Knuckles behind him.

"I'm still not sure why the Master Emerald showed us a male. How is that going to help?" Knuckle sighed.

"We will figure it out," Eclipsed stated, "For now, we will be grateful for the Master Emerald's help. He will be joining us in two weeks as a new teacher in the daycare for tutoring. We will welcome him when he comes. We need to get everything ready and clear out one of the rooms upstairs. Let's get to work."




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