Part 22

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PoV: Sonic

"SONIC!" Cream, Cheese, and Charmy came rushing into the daycare and practically tackled me.

"Sonic's back!"

"Ah!" I was knocked over once Tails ran over and jumped on me.

"Now now, you two. Don't tackle our poor care taker," Ms. Vanilla helped me up.

"Charmy, don't go jumping on people," Vector pulled Charmy off me.

"I can't help it. Sonic was gone all last week," Charmy whined.

"Sorry for jumping," Cream bowed her head, "We really missed you."

"It's okay," I gave her a gentle pat on the head, "I missed you guys too."

"Really?" Cream was giving me those big dowey eyes she had when she's sad.

"Always," I looked down, Tails hadn't let go yet. I gave them both a hug before getting up. Tails was not letting go of my apron, "Who wants to help me set up our new project? We're gonna need lots of crayons, and some glue sticks."

"I wanna help!" Charmy flew himself free from Vectors grip.

"Me too!" Cream ran off.

"Chao!" Cheese took off after them to grab the crayon bins.

"Here," Vanilla handed me a small bag.

"What's this for?" I opened it up to find cookies, "Thank you Ms. Vanilla."

"I've been taking them with me every morning hoping to see you again," She smiled, "I hope you two don't mind sharing."

"Not at all," I set them down on my desk.

"I waved good bye to the parents who were all happy to see me again. Tails seemed glued to me most of the day.


"Sonic. I'm gonna~" Knuckles yawned mid sentence, "take the kids for outside play time. Are you okay to finish clean up?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Alright everyone. It time to go outside with Knuckles."

"I call dips on the big swing!"

"I'm 1st on the slide!"

They all went running outside except for Tails. I knelt down before him.

"Hey Tails, is something going on today?" I held his hand and he hugged me.

"I was scared you weren't coming back..." he squeezed me.

"Oh Buddy," I hugged him, "I'll always come back."

"No you won't. One day you'll disappear," he had started crying, "a-and I'll never see you again."

"You wanna know a secret?" I wiped his tears and he nodded, "Guess what, I live upstairs. So even if you don't see me. I'm always really close by."

"Really?" He had stopped crying.

"Really. Are you ready to go play now?" I cleaned off his face with a napkin and gave him one of the cookies Vanilla gave me.

"Yeah. I'm all better now," he had a big smile on his face, "Can I help you clean up?"

"Sure thing," I ruffled his fur before we finished cleaning. After, Tails ran outside with the other kids. I sat down next to Knuckles on the bench.

"Knuckles!" I found him asleep on the bench, "You're supposed to be supervising not sleeping."

"Huh? I was. I just feel asleep. Sorry, that late night left me exhausted. I just... need... one little nap..." he fell over onto my lap, sleeping again.

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