Part 30

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PoV: Shadow

No way... we had all heard the event which had occured just 20 minutes ago. Knuckles had made Sonic moan so loud, not only that but... How the hell did he fuck his womb?! I couldn't be sure if that was just Sonic moaning or if it had actually happened.

"Shadow..." Mephiles looked at me from across the table.

"I know, well get him to talk," I replied as we waited. Sonic had kicked Knuckles out of the room and he had gone to get chillidogs to make up for something. We didn't hear much of the yelling.

--- Earlier ---

Thud! I heard something fall from Sonic's room as I was doing the laundry across the hall. I quickly set everything down to go check on him. I was about to knock when I heard the sound if Sonic's heavy breathing... I cracked the door open and sure enough I could see Knuckles ass between Sonic's knees. They're having sex again. I haven't even gotten past blow job, greedy jackass.

I shut the door, I couldn't see Sonic clearly so what was the point of watching. Still, I would hear every single word they said as I continued folding the clothes. The entire time... I wound up with an erection of my own, I deserve to mate with him, Sonic is my boyfriend too. Damn it!


"Shadow," Eclipse called me as he came downstairs, "How much can we spend on high quality sound proofing?"

"Well, the end of summer savings helped out a lot so.... we could probably upgrade the insulation too," I checked the budget on my phone.

"Order it. Now," Eclipse set down his full coffee mug.

"But, we're all going to be sharing 2 rooms, Eclipse. Knuckles told me earlier he wanted to have as much sex as possible since we won't have any one on one time with Sonic in the hotel," Mephiles spoke up, "To be honesty, I want to get as much in as possible too. I don't know how long I can live without enjoying ever atom in his body."

"I haven't even had sex with him yet so stop reminding me of how sexy he is!" I snapped at him.

"Ahem!" I felt a chill behind me. Eclipse was looking away and Mephiles was sinking in his seat. I looked behind me and Sonic was right there.

"Sonic, you're awake. How was your morning?" I got up and pulled out his seat.

"Sweaty," he sat down and wasn't making eye contact, "If you gonna talk about our sexlives at least don't do it infront of Eclipse. He's our boss."

"Sorry..." we both apologized and Eclipse chuckled.

"Sonic, you had a pleasant morning. I'll be going out for the day in about an hour. I'll be back after dinner so don't bother with making me a portion. There's some business I need to handle in city hall today. Enjoy yourselves while I'm not in the house," Eclipse grabbed an apple and handed it to Sonic before retreating back upstairs.


"We're not having sex," Sonic immediately shut Mephiles down before he got to finish the question.

"Um... what did Knuckles do to piss you off so bad?" I didn't want to piss him off further, but I also didn't want to lose my chance.

"Well... it's not really his fault, it's probably mine..." he mumbled that last part and started to eat the apple he was given.

"I see," that gave me no details what so ever.

Sonic started watching TV on the couch after a while. Knuckles came back with a dozen chillidogs and Sonic cheered up a bit after that. He still didn't let Knuckles near him, or Mephiles. Maybe... I carefully approached the couch. He didn't glare at me or shoo me away. I carefully sat besides him. Knuckles gave me a thumbs up but only to be hit in the face by a french fry which Sonic had flicked at him. I guess he isn't mad at me. I smiled as I felt him lean on my side. He had eaten more than half of the chillidogs and was purring. Not to mention he had turned a mountain of fries into a pile by the time Eclipse left the house. Still, he's cute even when he's angry.

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