Part 11

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PoV: Sonic

"N-no way... it's the 1st already," I had missed the payment for this month's rent.

No way! This can't be happening.


What am I supposed to do? He's charging a ridiculous late fee. That and the hospital bill. I'll hardly be able to buy food. I knew this landlord was a jerk who never fixed anything, but I didn't think his late fees would be high right away. I definitely won't be able to do any projects this month. If I don't pay soon he's going to evict me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I flinched, I hadn't noticed Mephiles was here.

"It's nothing, just the news. You know, always something happening," I replied.

"I heard you were at the hospital all night, are you okay?" He set down a tray of food on the table.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. It wasn't serious," I felt worse thanks to my landlord.

"Here," he held out a spoon full of porage, "You should eat."

"O-oh, I'm- mmh!" He stuck the spoon in my mouth before I could say anything. It was so warm and sweet. It made me realize how hungry I actually was.

"Was it too hot? Do you not like it sweet?" He grabbed a napkin and wiped my cheek. I'm crying? Why?

"I'm fine, I'm... I'm not sure why I did that. It's good... I really like the food you make," I wiped my face, "Can I have some more?"

"I made it for you. If you want more I'll make another bowl. Cream has been asking to visit you. Every kid misses you. Knuckles can't get them to do any of their homework," he helped me sit up and placed the tray on my lap. I laughed hearing how Knuckles was handling everything alone.

"He's doing okay then," I looked down at my phone again.

"You have a troubled look on your face, what's wrong?" He sat behind me on the couch, pulling me back to lean on him.

"Money's tight this month is all. I'll be fine after payday," I started to eat.

"You're going home in a few days, I'll make sure your well fed while you're here," he stayed next to me all throughout his lunch.

Shadow did the same thing on his lunch, he kept me company. Everyone here was making sure I was okay. All throughout my recovery I was fed and cared for. I couldn't remember the last time anyone had ever taken care of me.


"Are you sure you want to go home?" Knuckles had packed up the sheets he cleaned for me while I grabbed my bag.

"I have to. I need to take care of something there," I need to give him the check, the latefees will get worse if I don't give it to him soon. A week late is bad enough, if tomorrow hits it'll be two weeks and he'll charge more again.

"Okay. Hey, has the hospital sent you the E.R bill yet?" Knuckles asked as we got into the car.

"Yeah..." I answered as I got in.

"Let me handle paying that. It was my responsibility," he drove me to my apartment and outside was a mess. I recognized everything... it was my stuff... "What heppened?"

"No... no no no," I tried to go inside but my pin didn't unlock the gate anymore.

"Sonic, you finally showed up," the landlord was outside, "You missed rent, and the latefees. Then ignored the eviction warning we sent to you in the mail."

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