Part 27

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PoV: 3rd Person

  Sonic woke up alone in bed. The sun was out and shining onto the twins. I can't believe my ass still works the same after so many eggs. He sighed as he got up.

"It's the weekend, that's right. Maybe I should think up some new activities for the next week? Ugh, can't think right now. Food first," Sonic's stomach growled as he sat up.

Didn’t I fall asleep with Knuckles? When did he leave? He got up and pulled on a loose pair of shorts to cover himself.

"Man whatever that medicine is, it's definitely a keeper," Sonic left his room and bumped into Shadow who was going to check on him.

"You're awake, we thought you'd sleep the rest of the day. Did you get enough rest?" Shadow hardly cared about the bump, he only wanted his own chance to have Sonic alone.

"Yeah, I'm wide awake. There's no way I could sleep any longer," Sonic smiled, before continuing towards the kitchen, Shadow followed. The apartment was empty aside from the two of them, "Where'd everyone go?"

"Eclipse took them to start bying supplies for the construction. The city approved our expansion plans so all that's left is to rent a few rooms. We might be budgeting for some time, but it'll be worth all the work," Shadow walked up to the stove and turned on the flame, "Are you hungry? Any cravings?"

"Oh, yeah actually. Cravings? Pasta?"

"As you wish," Shadow set some water to boil and pulled a few ingredients from the fridge.

"Could I help you?" Sonic didn't wanna just sit around and wait. Shadow flinched as Sonic was suddenly right besides him.


PoV: Shadow

  I felt a bit thrown off when Sonic asked to help. He often offered but I always had Mephiles help instead. I hadn't cooked with him too often. I agreed but, he only laid the eggs yesterday.

"I want you to sit and rest the moment you feel any fatigue or pain. You're still sore right?" I didn't need him exerting himself.

"Actually I feel perfectly fine. It actually worries me a bit that I'm fine so soon. My body might actually be getting use to this, and that's still a little freaky. I knew eventually I'd get used to it. But Knuckles and I have only been together for two months, and Mephiles has hardly reached a week. I guess... I guess I didn't expect my life to change so suddenly. I'm... I think I'm happy about it. I can't imagine living anywhere else anymore other than with all of you."

"Sonic..." He's happy here with us. I watched as Sonic picked the noodles he wanted.

"Sorry, that probably sounded weird. Should I rephrase?" He was blushing and turned away, "Maybe that was more than you wanted to know."

"I'm glad you're happy. Knuckles and Mephiles are good men who will care for you to the best of their abilities," I want to be responsible for more than just his meals...

"Yeah... I don't think taking care of me is the first thing on their minds," he laughed as started opening the packaging.

"I hope the remodel makes you even happier."

"I hope it makes all of us happier," Sonic smiled and started chopping the vegetables.

  We wound up talking throughout cooking. Sonic made the sauce too spicy by mistake so we changed it to a cream sauce to cool the heat. After lunch we cleaned up but that was it. I hardly ever got the chance to have Sonic alone with Knuckles clinging to him every second. I grabbed his wrist and he looked up at me.

"Need something?" Sonic asked as he set the hand towel down.

"I'd like to sit with you and keep talking," I let him go but I didn't want to.

"Sure, I'll make some tea for us to drink while we talk," Sonic started the kettle and set put some cookies we had in the cabinet. Once the tea was ready we sat down. Sonic remained on one end of the couch, I dared to sit in the center, wanting to be closer, "Tsk... Still too hot to drink."

"Careful, it's still steaming," I told him as he had burned his tongue on the tea.

"I'm just impatient," he set the tea back down and grabbed a cookie instead.

  You have no idea was impatients feels like. I was right next to him now but it still felt so distant, "How is your body feeling? Any different?"

"Hm? No, still just fine- Shadow... You're kinda close," his hand was suddenly on my chest.

"Sorry," I had leaned in so close to him, "I just... You're so beautiful I wanted to hold you."

"O-oh," his face went red, "Um..."

  What am I saying? He only just started his relationship with Mephiles. He isn't ready for another to add.

"... Knuckles told me you liked me... I didn't think it was actually true..." he face was so red, "I um..."

  Damm snitch, I had specifically told them not to mention it to Sonic. Still, if he knew then perhaps I could use that.

"Sonic, I understand if it's too soon," I took his hand and pulled him into my lap. I heard a gentle thud as the cookie fell from his hand. I kissed him, if it was the only kiss I recieved, I fully accepted it, "I want you to date me too."

"Shadow- mph~♡!" I went back to kissing him before he could answer.

  Yes or no, I wasn't ready to hear his answer. I just wanted the kiss to last. I wanted it to last longer than any other kiss. My tongue took every advantage it could. I didn't let him go until he needed air. He was panting, drool glistening from his chin. I held him tighter, It was definitely too soon...

"Sorry, I couldn't wait. I've wanted to kiss you since we met," I wanted to keep going and do more. I stopped as I felt Sonic's hand on my chest.

"I know, I thought it was odd you sent me home with a meal and a rose when I was hired. I like you Shadow but... I don't think right now I can really," he looked away, still flustered.

"We can wait to have sex, but... I can't keep watching Knuckles and Mephiles giving you all the special attention. I want to be the one who pampers you, not just feeding a perfect meal. I want you," I felt something hard against my stomach as I held him closer.

"Sorry..." Sonic covered his face, "It's not on purpose I swear..."

"Is that it?" I smiled, "Then, is your answer yes?" I pulled on the waistband to his shorts, "If you say yes, I'll happily let you cum~"

Even his ears here bright red at this point. He looked as if he had no idea what to do with himself.

"... I-If it doesn't bother the others... ... Okay?" He looked up from his hands. He emerald eyes glistening with emberassment, "It's already weird dating two people. D-don't get any weird ideas. Knuckles and Mephiles are perverted enough."

"Eh? But," I pinned his hands over his head and pushed him back down onto the cushion, "You agreed already. I waited so patiently for you, doesn't that mean I should be rewarded with a taste or two?"

"What did I just say- ah!"

"Do worry, I'll wait until you're healed to please you properly. By the way, I'm claiming four days a week to keep you to myself for a few hours. Now then," I had him all to myself, at last, "I'll have my taste now."

"Wait we're still in the living room! Shadow!"

"Do worry, they won't be home for a few more hours."

"Sh-shadow... Ha~♡!"



Shadow's finally joining the circle. Bout time, he waited for so long before just taking his chance.

Only 1 left, Eclipse.

Now, will Sonic ever go a day without sex again? Only time will tell.

Enjoy~ love yall! 😚😚😚

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