Part 32

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PoV: Mephiles

  Sonic slept until the next morning after my turn. He skipped dinner so we made him a bigger breakfast than usual. However he still hadn't gotten up...

"I think three in one day was too much," I sighed as I continued to wait, "Maybe I should check on him?"

"He's probably just sore. I'll bring his food to his room," Shadow placed Sonic's breakfast onto a tray just as Eclipse finished his coffee.

"I'll handle it," Eclipse took the tray, "You three need to get the Daycare ready. Though school had started and we don't open until noon, you still have lots of preparations to complete. We begin deconstruction in two weeks. If you haven't, get packing."

"Yes sir. We left to our respective rooms and I took a glance into Sonic's, he still looked sound asleep.

I should go easier next time. It's just so hard to resist him~

PoV: Eclipse

  I brought Sonic his breakfast along with an apple which I began to slice up for him. I thought Sonic was sleeping but her turned around as I sat on the edge of his bed.

"Did I wake you? I noticed the chair for your desk has been broken," I could smell Knuckles and Mephiles all over this room. It seems they liberally enjoyed their free time yesterday.

"No, I've been up for a while. I just didn't want to get up yet..." he sat up, his face flustered. He kept a pillow over his stomach.

"Are you alright?" Is he?

"Yeah, I'm just... more bloated than usual..." Sonic took the tray and placed it on the pillow over his lap before starting to eat.

"You've had the others worried about you. Is something on your mind?" I knew I shouldn't pry, but we were making such slow progress with him... I wanted to move things along but I didn't want to scare him off either.

"... Well... they've all said they want me to have their kids... Knuckles is especially insistent. But, I don't know how to tell them all that I've actually been on birth control. It's not like it's a new thing. My Dr prescribed it to me when I started puberty to keep my hormones under control... I can't exactly stop it and get pregnant right away. I'd have talk with my doctor and it'd take a while..."

"I see, I wasn't aware of your situation," then there's no way he is until he's off the birth control. I placed a hand on his leg, "Sonic, would you be willing to get off the birth control for them? I know laying eggs hasn't been the easiest adjustment in your partnerships. It understandable why you'd say no-"

"I don't think I can go back to normal partners after those three," he smiled for a second before stuffing his face with another bite, "I mean, I don't want our relationships to end but... I don't think I could handle that many kids right away. I think I need to talk this over with them."

"Of course. If you don't want me present I understand, but I would like to support you," I took his hand after he finished his meal.

"Yeah... I think that'd be okay. It's weird, I used to strictly think of everyone as my coworker and you as my boss. I still think of you as my boss but you also a kind friend to me Eclipse. I always appreciate your advice," Sonic squeezed my hand.

"Sonic," no it's too soon, I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped away some of the ketchup from his omelet,"... You can come to me for anything."

"Y-yeah," his face went red again, "Thanks Eclipse. And... I think I'll need thursday off, cause of... you know..."

"Take all the time you need," I took his empty trays and went down to the Daycare to check on the packing.

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