Part 15

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PoV: Mephiles

"What happened?" Eclipse laid Sonic on the couch and placed an ice pack on his forehead. He quickly turned to us with an angry look, "Both of you, explain this."

"We were cooking as usual. One of Mephiles' tentacles knocked over the pot of boiling water as Sonic came in. He moved Sonic out of the way, but he saw everything," Shadow explained, "My guess is, it was too much for Sonic to process which lead him to quickly get dizzy and faint."

"I couldn't let him get burned," In moving Sonic out of the way, the water had to land, it wasn't going to be on him. I only had a slight burn on my tentacles. It resulted in a burn on my forearm when my form returned.

"It was out of protection, but still... explaining this all to him could cost us all of our work thus far. I'll bring Knuckles up to speed and help Shadow in the kitchen today. Mephiles, you stay and wait for Sonic to wake up. Explain everything to him," Eclipes ordered before leaving.

"I will take excellent care of him," I replied before sitting down with Sonic.

Sonic fainted after he saw what was going on... What do I do if he suddenly rejects all of us? The master emerald showed only him to Knuckles...

PoV: Sonic

No... it's all slimy...

... squelch...

"Ah!" I was suddenly in the livingroom, "Eh-? What happened?" Was that a dream? Man...

"You're awake, are you feeling any better?" Mephiles was here. He handed me a cup of tea.

"My heads a little fuzzy- Wait! You had tentacles! You're hands disappeared into these inky black slimy-" I flinched as he held up his hand and it turned into two tentacles, "I... it wasn't just a dream..."

"Does it frighten you, that I'm like this?" Mephiles didn't get any closer, instead he stepped back.

"Have you ever hurt anyone with those?" I put the tea down and got up. Then... does this mean... he's not mobian?

"Only in self defence," Mephiles wouldn't look me in the eye... it was almost like he was ashamed of himself.

"Mephiles... can you tell me what this means?" I stopped moving forwards as he reached the wall.

"... I'm not mobian... I think you might have guessed that. I'm what remains of an ancient diety after it's destruction. I wondered in shadows, formless for years. I would steal people's shadows to gain my own form," his body changed, he looked like so many different mobians... then he turned back, "Shadow have me his form to use after we met. I began working the daycare with him and Eclipse."

He's a deity?

"What do you look like normally?" I walked up to him and placed a hand on his tentacle. It's really slimy...

"I can't show you. I do not wish to frighten you," he flinched as I took his hand.

"You said you don't hurt people, so you won't scare me," Now it makes more sense as to how they set up my room so fast.

"No... I won't reveal that form to you," he looked away.

"You don't have to hide anymore at least. Now everyone knows. It must be hard hiding this in public, I'm glad you can be yourself at home now. It's gonna take me a while to get used to it though..." I was still fiddling with his other tentacle, "It's kinda cool. You've got superpowers," I noticed a dry spot on the tentacle, "What's this?"

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