Part 23

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PoV: Sonic

"I can't believe we all got pretend married," I sighed as I helped wash dishes after dinner.

"It was the best day I've ever had with the kids," Mephiles was drying off all the dishes I was washing, "You don't have to stand here and clean."

"I like helping. I feel like I don't do enough around the house," I finished up the last dish.

"Y-you know. Married couples usually go on their honeymoon after their wedding," Mephiled grabbed my hand.

"Eh? I don't think we should encourage the kids like last time," I looked away but I was pulled closer to him.

"I wasn't planning on sharing the experience with anyone other than you actually," I felt a chill as his hand slid to my lower back, "I promise to be gentle. I won't even use my tentacles. I promise."

"Eh!? But..." I caught a glance of Shadow and Knuckles peeking over the edge of the couch. Knuckles only gave my a thumbs up. That's right... Knuckles wants me to be with everyone... If he's really okay this the... But really? No tentacles at all? "I..." I couldn't look Mephiles in the eye yet he still held me so close. They made me a wonderful donner the 1st time I met them. They have only ever been kind to me, "I wanted y... you to..."

    My face is so hot. It's emberassing to say it out loud.

"I knew it, You have a tentacle kink!" Shadow stood up. I had never heard him express anything before.

"Shut up!" I snapped, "I wasn't going to tell anyone cause no one who lives on land had them. There was no point..."

"I'll use them!" Mephiles was smiling, "Anyway you want me too. As much as you want me too. I'll use them all over your body."

  I covered my mouth. Stop grinning like an idiot!

"I've never seen him this way before," Knuckles came up and whispered something to Mephiles.

"Oh. I see," Mephiles picked me up off the ground.

"W-wait I'm not ready, not here! Ah!" I was carried into my room.


I can't believe this is happening. I was placed on my bed and Mephiles shut the door. We're were just playing with the kids. Moron! I even told him I wanted him to use the tentacles. I've known Mephiles liked me but... He's so eager right now. I watched as Mephiles got stuck unbottoning his shirt. One of the buttons had caught on his fur. Knuckles had such a stupid giddy look on his face.

"Let me..." I grabbed his hand and moved it away. Carefully, I was able to free the button. Then I opened the last two.

"Thank you," he took my hand, "You really want me to use them? I feel as though I suddenly sprung onto you."

"That's because you did," I flicked his forehead, "You and Knuckles just pick me up when ever you want."

"We've been living together for a while, it's so hard to resist you. Everytime I see you I can only think about how to make you smile. Or how to make you scream in bliss."

  I covered my mouth as he pushed me down onto my back. I can't stop cracking a smile.

"You're hiding from me," A black tentacle grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my mouth, "I want to see all of you."

"Mm~♡!" I felt his lips against mine. His tongue was so long, it had entangled itself around mine. It slithered around, slipping back towards my throat.

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