Part 10

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PoV: Sonic

Warm... I woke up feeling so calm and warm. I found myself covered by blankets. The sunlight from the window heated the room.

"...I don't want to get up..." I felt annoyed now that I had to pee. Maybe I can fall back asleep?

"Hm?" I noticed something as I rolled onto my side, "No way..." I froze as I realized what happened, "He put the egg in a display case!?"

  I flinched as I tried to get up. My stomach and everything lower was horribly sore.

"Are you alright?" The door opened and Eclipse was standing there.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I got sick," I laid back down.

"It's not a problem. I prefer you to be healthy while you work. Take all the time off you need," he stopped talking, he was staring. The egg! "Sonic, you've made all of us happier with your presence. You have no worries with us, I assure you."

"W-well I'm glad you enjoy working with me," It felt odd, I was sure he would say something but he never did.

"Do you need any help at all?" He came in and placed a hand on the case.

"N-no I'm fine," why is he staring at it like that!?

"I didn't know hedgehogs were an egglaying species," he opened the case and picked up the egg.

"Uh... I'm not... I didn't know I could until Knuckles. But... he didn't tell me about it," I sighed.

"I see. We'll, if it helps, my species is also one to lay eggs. Though they have a soft coating around the shell so they tend to be large," he handed me the egg.

  Eh? Wait... why is he telling me that?! "R-really? Actually... I'm not sure what species you are. I don't mean to offend you or anything, I didn't even know Knuckles was an echida until we met."

"I'm a very rare species know as a darkling. My species will go extinct someday. It's only me and my brother on this planet," he had opened the bottom of the display case and used a screwdriver on the inside.

"You have a brother?"

"Yes, Shadow. He's my half brother, born of the same father," Eclipse answered.

"Shadow? You guys don't look much alike. Then, Mephiles is your brother two right?" I hadn't actually learned about their family. So they're all brothers then.

"No, Mephiles isn't technically related to us. But like Knuckles, is a close friend. If I'm correct, I believe mobian hedgehogs are also an endangered species," he set the display down and took the egg from me. He set it inside and the case lit up, "The machine is unfortunately still broken, but the lights now work."

"... Yeah, I guess my species is endangered. Was that thing broken? I thought it was just a display case," I winced as I tried to get up.

"You alright?" He placed an hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, just healing," I laid back down again.

"It's an old incubator for eggs. We own several in this house incase the day comes where a fertilized egg is born. I've wanted a child for a while now, so I bought them in preparation. You're welcome to ask for them at anytime."

"Wait, I never said anything about that. What makes you think I'll ever ask?" He's expecting me to get pregant!? "We just... It's way too soon!"

"Sonic," I felt a hand on my cheek, "I just noticed something about you. You're cute."

"Eh?" What- I looked up and Eclipse was gone. What was all that about? He talks to me about laying eggs and how were both endangered, and leaves. That was weird right?

"Sonic, Eclipse told me you're awake. Are you hungry?" Knuckles came in, "Do you need anything? He fixed the lights," Knuckles picked up the incubator. He was gazing at it with such a gentle smile, "its more beautiful now."

  Beautiful? My egg is beautiful to him?

"Knuckles... I need the bathroom," I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Sorry, I got distracted. Let me know if I hurt you," he started gently picking my up and carried me down the hall.

"Do you... do you really like that egg?" I looked back at the room.

"Of course, it's an egg from you. How could I not find it beautiful?" He put me down in the bathroom, "I know it may not even be on your mind, but I do hope you can give me another. Fertilized or not. I want you in my arms for the next one."

  He really wants another one? But what if I end up... I can't.

"We can't. I don't... I don't want to risk it," I had only just met him. What am I supposed to do of he gets me pregnant?

"I know. But I'll wait as long as it takes," he kissed me and left the bathroom, "Let me know when you finish. I'll carry you to the livingroom so you can watch the TV."

  Knuckles came and picked me up again once I had finished. Apparently I had slept until Eclipse and his lunch breaks which was why they were both checking on me. Knuckles had placed a pain relief patch on my back and had given me a hot water bottle to lay on. Before he left. Eclipse game me the remote and said I could watch anything I liked. What hell is wrong with me. I letting them treat me like some little kid who's staying home from school. As soon as I'm walking again I'm going home. I'm an adult, I should be caring for myself like I always have.

  Idiot... you can't just hang around a family you've just met. I should go home...

  Bzzzbzzz... I picked up my phone and saw an email from my landlord.

"N-no way... it's the 1st already," I had missed the payment for this month's rent.

No way! This can't be happening.




  You here that? Knuckles wants more eggs and Eclipse is fully "loaded" XD

Find out more soon!!!

Sick rn so no kisses. Hearts!


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