Part 24

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PoV: Sonic

  What time is it? The sun was bright and shining through the curtains directly into my eyes, "Did my alarm even ring- Damn it..."

My entire body fell weak. I landed face first into white fur. I forgot about last night- Mephiles is still here!

He was under me. I had fallen asleep on top of him, "Oh hey my bed has fresh sheets."

"Of course, I had to take responsibility for my actions," he was awake, "You curl up so cutely in your sleep."

"I-I guess I do," Knuckles' says the same thing.

"Sonic, can you move at all?" Mephiles asked.

"... no..." I sighed as my alarm went off, "I don't wanna miss work anymore..."


"That's voice again?" I heard the same words once again.

"Sonic..." Mephiles grabbed me, "Are you okay?!"

"Am I okay? Yeah, I'm fine, why?" It was that same feeling again. My body felt like it was back to normal. All the soreness I felt had vanished, "Hey, all the pain went away."

"Mephiles!" We were startled as Knuckles burst in, "Eclipse needs to speak with you. Shadow is waiting. We're making up a new menu for the kids."

"That sounds fun," I started to get up but Knuckles grabbed me, "Let me go, I'm not even dressed yet."

"I was hoping for a more peaceful wake up," Mephiles got up and left once he had his pants on.

"You sounded like you had fun~" Knuckles held me in his lap.

  Emberassment overflowed throughout me. I FORGOT THE WALLS ARE THIN HERE!

"Knuckles I'm sorry I-"

  He kissed me... Knuckles kissed my lips, then my cheek.

"I'm glad you had fun," He held me, "But now, I gotta find out how to make you moan louder than that."

"K-knuckles!" Is this guy ever not horny?!

"You're so cute when you're flustered," he kissed me again and set me down, "Are you sore anywhere? Do I need to get your medicine?"

"No actually, somehow I feel perfectly fine," it was odd. I always woke up sore, no matter how good it felt.

"Well if you're feeling up to it then, tonight you could sleep over in my room," he smiled, kissing my knee, "I still want my honeymoon."

"Horndog," I mumbled.

"Only for you~" he nuzzled against me.

"I'm gonna shower and get dressed. We have work today," I got up and picked up the first shirt I saw to cover myself.

"Is that Mephiles' shirt?" Knuckles was smiling. The shirt I wore was too big, it draped over my tail.

"Oh, I guess it is. My clothes are gone," I spotted the clothes I just wore yesterday in my laundry hamper. I guess he cleaned up after I passed out.

"Knuckles," Shadow came to the door, "We need you. Good morning Sonic, you're breakfast will be ready in about 15 minutes."

"Oh, sure. I'll be out soon," I left to the bathroom and started the shower.

Drip... I felt something drip down my thigh. It was white... WE FORGOT PROTECTION! N-no way... wait when was my last cycle? Crap...

  I couldn't recall how many days into my own cycle I was. I need to clean this out now and hope for the best. I'll check the day on my pills later.

PoV: Eclipse

  Finished. I set down my pencil as the new blue prints were finished. Once the last weeks of summer passed, I'd have Sonic pick out a hotel for us to remain in until the expansion is finished.

"Now then," I picked up the display case as the seal was finally set. Sonic's egg was now fixed and able to be displayed anywhere in the house, "to deliver this to Sonic."

  It was around this time that he would be awake and eating. As I walked down to the kitchen, Sonic wasn't eating.

"Is that the egg?" Knuckles walked up to me, "It's beautiful. Sonic is gonna love it."

"He's usually eating this time of day," I looked around, "Where is he?"

"He's showering," Mephiles answered, "Knuckles said you wanted a new menu for the kids."

"We need a new one or they'll get bored of snacks. We'll also need less food as the school year starts. I need everyone to start packing. I'll rent out a temporary storage for our things. I'm expanding the entire building once summer ends," I announced.

"I was wondering what you needed so many blue prints for," Shadow set down everyone's plates, "Are we finally getting a larger kitchen?"

"Yes, so long as you all help me build it. I'm going to drop this off. We'll go over the blue prints tonight," I left to Sonic's room. I set the egg gently down on Sonic's dresser.

"Eclipse?" I turned and Sonic was in a towel behind me, "Oh wow... she's done," he walked up and touched the case of the egg, "Thank you... Thank you for fixing her."

  His bright smile, it was as if his being glistened alongside the sunlight from the window.

"Sonic," I found his beauty unparalleled, I gently pulled his hand.

"Yeah?" His smile didn't fade, he waited patiently for my response.

"I do hope you'll allow me to protect your smile," I pulled him into my arms.

"Wait, I'm not dried off-"

"No matter," his scent was strong, almost like lemon grass. His fur still damp from the shower. His body felt warm against my own, "Sonic, we will be expanding the house and daycare this August. I've finished the blue prints, do you have analysis requests for your room? Or perhaps the daycare center?"

"A place for my craft supplies would be nice, like a cabinet," he smiled. I had thought his answer would be similar to that, so I included a built in work space and storage into his room, "Do you think we could get another set of swings? The kids are always fighting over the two we have."

"Of course. Anything you like. You'll be in charge of picking the hotel. I'm afraid we'll have to share rooms. 1 or 2 rooms is all I have left in our budget. Think you can handle that? We'll need at least a two months stay. It must also include a kitchen. Think you can handle that?" I felt the weight of the towel shift in my arms.

"Yeah I think so- Eclipse..." he grabbed my shirt, "D-don't look. My towel slipped... C-could we talk about this when I dressed?"

  I kissed his hand, wrapped the towel back around him, and left, "We'll talk after work. You still have a month to find a hotel."


  How cute... his body is more slender than expected. He let me hold him for so long before becoming emberassed.

  I want to hold him for much longer...



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