Part 12

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PoV: Sonic

"Finally done," I had finished unpacking, "Now then. Since I still have some money to spare I'm going to by card stock for the next project. I've gotta get at least two rainbow packs."

  I started putting on my shoes as I grabbed my bag. Knuckles paid for the hospital bill, since I didn't give up any money for rent I had plenty for projects. I even got my deposite back since I never damaged the apartment.

"Right... my coat was stolen..." I had still had a few items I needed to replace, "Alright then, I'll just wear something warm."

  I took off my shirt and started looking around for my favorite sweater instead.

"Sonic since today is your day off, would you-" I turned around as I heard a voice. Mephiles was standing in the door.

"C-Could you close the door..." I forgot to lock it?! I turned back around. The door shut and I pulled the sweater on quickly. Idiot, idiot, idiot! How stupid can you be? They all think your a normal guy. Guy's don't care if another guy sees you without a shirt... but... I don't exactly have a guy's chest.

"Are you dressed now?" I heard him crack the door open again.

"Y-yeah... You can come in," I sighed, "Sorry. I should have locked the door. I'm not used to living with other people."

"You wouldn't have been able too. None of our doors have locks. I should have knocked. I'm accustomed to living with everyone here like family. We often don't knock and bother each other constantly," he had a coat on, "It's unusually cold for a summer day. I was wondering if you'd like to shop with me today. We need to get more groceries. Eclipse handles the food for the daycare separately. Shadow and I take turns buying groceries during the week. Today is my turn. I'd like you to come with me."

"Actually I was about to head out myself. I don't know this district too well and I need to replace a few things I lost. I don't mind going with you," I grabbed my bag again.

"Let's go, I'll show you around," he took my hand and took me into his car before driving off.

"The shopping district is closer than I thought it was," It didn't take long for us to arrive.

"You'll find everything you need here,"  he parked and got out as I was grabbing my things. He opened my door just before I did, "Where would you like to go first?"

"I was thinking the craft store would be nice. I wanted to get some stuff for the kids," I answered.

"You really enjoy projects with the kids," Mephiles lead the way to the first shop.

"I have a lot of fun teaching. I was a hyperactive kid when I was younger so I tended to struggle more in school when it was taught traditionally. So when I became a teacher, I didn't want to teach traditionally. I wanted to be more active with my students so they could have a better learning experience," I hadn't noticed he was staring until now, "S-Sorry. I guess I started rambling..."

"Don't apologize. Your students in daycare come to you because their own teachers are failing to teach them. You're teaching them instead, and better than anyone else could. I've seen it myself. Tails never ate the snacks or played. Now he runs around and eats with everyone else. You have no idea what you've done for us. We could never imagine the daycare without you. The children love you," Mephiles suddenly grabbed my hand and held it, "We all love having you home too."

  He's holding my hand... No, I can't. I'm with Knuckles. We haven't talked about being open or exclusive yet but still... I... I pulled my hand away.

"Ah, the craft store!" We had made it.

"Go on and pick out what you need," Mephiles lead me inside.

"This one is huge! Everything here looks so fun. Right, we're only here for paper," I had to turn away from all the interesting project ideas that kept coming to mind. I couldn't do them all at once after all, "Oh wow, they even sell giant rolls of paper like this."

PoV: Mephiles

  I watched Sonic in each store we went to. His tail wagged the most in the craft store. He couldn't help but look at everything. Although after...

"I wound up getting way more than I needed..." he groaned as we placed the bag into the car, "But it will be worth it."

"Ready for the next shop?" I asked.

"Yeah. We still need groceries," he looked around, "So which store do you normally shop at?"

"That one over there. I have the list, so we'll be finished soon," I lead him there. Of course he was less excited, it was just groceries after all. But getting time alone with him was nice.

"Do we have everything we need?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah. We just need Knuckles terrible grape soda and we're done," I looked around for the soda isle.

"Knuckles likes a lot of grape flavors doesn't he," Sonic laughed, "Oh, they have the chilli I like!"

"Chilli?" I hadn't ever cooked chilli. The kids didn't like anything spicy, it wasn't someone anyone ever asked for at home.

"Oh, do you not like chilli? Chillidogs are a huge favorite of mine," he grabbed the can looked around, "I could make some for everyone if you'd like."

"That could be nice. What other ingredients do you need?"

"I'll go pick them out. I'll meet you in line," he walked away with a smile as I grabbed the soda and waited in line for checkout.

  He's cute in his own way. I can only hope he's a part of the same group we are.

  Sonic paid for his share of the food and we went back hone to put everything away. He was already using his printer to print out pictures on the colored paper and making a example peice of his next art project for the kids.

"Knuckles," I finished putting the food away and walked up to Knuckles who was laying across the couch, "Have you explained it to him yet?"

"Er... you know how much convince it too to get him to accept me. I wanna give it more time, I dont think he's had much experience," Knuckles couldn't look me in the eye, "Besides, he's living with us. There's no rush."

"The rush is that we all have to stare at him and can't go anything. He won't even hold my hand for more than ten seconds."

"Eh? You're upset that he doesn't want your slimy hands?"

"Shut it " I covered his mouth with ink and walked away, "Feed yourself tonight."

  Patients. It not like this is going to take years. But still, he's so hard to resist. I noticed a chilli cans were still on the counter, his favorite food huh?

  I wonder what his cooking tastes like.


Ooo~ Mephiles is closing in. Shopping date~♡!

I'm hyperfixated on this book XD. Enjoy~♡!

Bye bye~ 😚😚😚

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