Part 9

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PoV: Sonic

"Sir! Sir you can't run in here!" I heard the nurses shouting.

"Sir if you let us help you I'm sure it will- hey!"

"What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I was grabbed and turned to find Knuckles was causing all the ruckus. He was panting and had run in to find me.

"Knuckles... I just need a ride home, you didn't have to run into the E.R," I started to slowly get up again.

"Hey," he caught me as my legs fell weak again, "Let's get you a wheelchair. I'll put you in the car and take you home, okay? Can you tell me what happened?"

"... I'll tell you in the car, not here okay?" I grabbed the box, Knuckles looked at it for a second before finally taking me out of the hospital.

"... I'm sorry," Knuckles placed his hand on my shoulder, "That night was ment to be fun for the two of us, you've been distancing yourself. But-"

"I laid an egg," I stopped his apology, I didn't want to hear it.

"What?" Knuckles stopped the car, "You can... you can carry eggs?"

"I didn't know I could!" I snapped, "I'm just... confused... You didn't tell me echidnas laid eggs and... I didn't tell you to use protection. I let this happen, knowing I could have..."

"Sonic, you can talk to me. I won't say a word until your done explaining, I promise," he looked around, "You want a burger? A taco maybe?"

"I want a chillidog... extra jalapeños..." I felt hungry now, it was almost morning, "...Or donuts."

"Okay, I can do that," he started to drive again, completely silent and waiting for me.

"I was born with both genitalia. It's why I could lay an egg... and why having sex was a mistake. I don't have a lot of experience having a partner... most of the time they get scared and run off. When I finished school and started teaching, I decided to focus on only my students. So... I may have panicked a little after because I was scared to tell you..."

"I've had male partners before, but none ever laid an egg. It's a bit to process, but it doesn't scare me. I don't regret kissing you Sonic. If you let me, I'd like to do it again. But for now," he pulled into the drive in, "I'd like to take responsibility for my actions. So I will stop by your appartment to get some clothes for you. You're exhausted and need a day off from work. But you still can't walk, so you can stay in my room of the house where I can check on you and carry you where ever you want to go."

"Knuckles I'll be fine alone-"

"How can we server you?"

Knuckles quickly ordered and pulled forwards, "You can't stand for more than a few seconds. You're body used energy to grow and then push the egg out. You can be tired, just let me take care of you. I'm the reason it happened, so let me help you."

"... fine, but I'm picking my clothes. And it's only until I feel better. We're still not dating," I held the box, "... I really want to be mad."

"Sorry. Hey, can I see the egg? I know it isn't fertilized. I just want to see it," he wants to see it? I mean, he's curious right? He's never met a guy who can eggs. This is so weird, I don't even know what to do with this. Am I really supposed to just throw it away?

"... I guess that okay. What did your ex girlfriends used to do with it?" I asked him.

"Oh I always use protection with women, I've never had this happen with a girl. Your the first person to ever lay one of my eggs."

"Eh?" Wait... I'm his first? None of us know what to do then... What the hell am I supposed to do?! "Seriously!? You've got to be kidding. Do you know anything about this at all?"

"Relax, I'm aware of what you'll need next time."

"Next time?!"

"Yes, I'd like to have another pleasant night with you."

"Knuckles, I don't want to lay an egg again. I can't risk getting pregant-

"Order up. That'll be 11.23 please."

"Thank you," he handed me the bag of food, "We'll be careful. I have condoms."

"That's not a garentee..." I pulled out my food and started to eat.

"No, but it minimized the chance. Would it be so bad if I was there to help you through it?" Knuckles stole a fry from the box.

"I... I'm not sure..."

"We can always find out. For now, let's get your clothes so you can rest."

"Mh..." I ate while we drove to my apartment. Knuckles carried me inside to pack a small bag of clothes and some of my soaps.

"Oh no..." I noticed my bed was still a completely mess.

"Let me take it," Knuckles started taking the covers off.

"You don't have to-"

"I do. I'll take it with us and we can wash it for you. Besides it's not like you have a machine in this building," he toss the bed covers and blankets into trash bags and took them to the car. He took me to the Daycare soon after. He brought me and everything into his room and put the sheets in the machine to wash, "There. If it doesn't come out I'll take you to buy some new ones. Do you need anymore food?"

"I'm okay, thank you..." I was laying in his bed and felt so tired. I hadn't realized how sleepy I was.

"Sleep all you want. I'll make use the others keep it down," he covered me with a blanket and was rubbing my back, "Would you mind if I cleaned the egg while you nap?"

"...that's... okay..." What's the worst he can do with it...

Maybe... this won't be terrible....

PoV: Knuckles

Sonic was fighting his want to sleep, but lost the fight pretty quickly. I rubbed his back to help him sleep. I heard his little purr as he started to sleep. Soon it stopped as he fell into a deeper sleep.

"I'll bring it back once I've cleaned it," I picked up the box and left to the bathroom.

"Knuckles? What the hell are you doing up this early? It's almost six am," Shadow came in as I was rinsing the egg, "Egg? What did you do? Is it fertilized?"

"It's not fertilized, it's not for eating either. I don't think I'm in the right to tell you. But... now I understand why the Master Emerald lead us to Sonic. We can't lose him of were going to save each of our species. I'm going to give him proper aftercare for this. Does Eclipse still have that broken egg incubator?" I dried off the shell and held it up to the light. No yolk was shown.

"He does, and still hasn't fixed it," Shadow stepped aside as I walked out.

"Do you remember where it is?" I carefully set the egg in a bowl to keep it from rolling away.

"In the closet by his room," Shadow shouted.

I found the machine and gently placed the egg inside and closed it off. The round glass dome and soft cushion at the bottom turned it into a beautiful display. Since the egg would never hatch, the machine didn't have to work, "Perfect."

I set it down on the night stand by my bed. Sonic would see it once he woke up. I laid down next to him and closed my eyes for a while, just a short nap before work was all I'd need. Thank you Master Emerald, you've sent us someone amazing. I promise not to mess this up.

I'm so happy we have him.



What do ya know, he called Knuckles!

Love ya! Bye!

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