Part 16

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PoV: Knuckles

"I thought you handled the relationship talk," Mephiles glared at me as I walked out of my room.

"I did. He kicked me out of his bed last night," I whined, "I told him to take time to think but I didn't think he'd kick me out for that."

"Idiots, it was obvious by his behavior he has no experience being in multiple independent relationships. He doesn't just need time to think, he also needs to be reassured he can. You're both forgetting the most important thing, he needs to be comfortable with all of us as a partner," Shadow pushed us aside and walked away with a tray.

"We're in for more waiting," I sighed, "How'd he take the tentacles?"

"He didn't seem concerned. He wouldn't stop touching them," Mephiles answered.

"Eh? Why?"


PoV: Sonic

I'm really just allowed to date more than one person? I've never heard of that... polyamorous... I looked up the term on my phone and decided to read about it on a few sites. Eh... You can even get married to more than one person in some countries. I guess this does let some couple groups live happily. It's just not all too common. I guess I could-

"Sonic, could I come in?" I heard Shadow at my door.

"Sure..." I called from my bed and he let himself in. He set a tray down next to me.

"I brought you dinner, you haven't come out of your room to eat at all so," he brought me two chillidogs.

"Chillidogs, ah, you even added jalapeños. Thank you," I sat up and picked one up to eat.

"Are you upset?" He asked as I took my first bite.

"Nhmh," I shook my head, "No, not really. It was just a lot to take in..." that and I'm cramping which isn't helping.

"I see," he suddenly leaned closer. Shadow rose my chin and wiped his thumb across my lips before letting go, "You've only had one bite and you're a mess," he wiped my cheek with his knuckle, "I brought napkins, use them. I'll bring you dessert later."

"Y-yeah... thanks..." he was so close... Geez, all this polyamorous stuff is messing with me. Every little thing feels emberassing now.

I glanced at my chillidogs, "Argh, screw it. I'm just gonna focus on my chillidogs!"

I took another big bite. Stupid relationship talk...

I looked at my mirror as I finished my last chillidog. The cramping finally slowed down. I lifted my shirt and turned to look at my stomach from the size, it's more bloated than last time...

"It's only been two days, why does it feel like it's growing faster?" What if that means... I can't deal with this...

"Sonic," There was a knock on my door again and Shadow came in, "I brought you a cake for dessert."

"We had cake?" I looked at the plate Shadow had in his hand, "What kind is it?"

"I made it while we waited for you to come to dinner. It's called a chocolate lava cake," He handed me the small cake.

"I've heard about these, but I haven't had one before," I cut it open and warm chocolate fudge came flowing from the center of the cake. It was so warm and fluffy. The gooey chocolate was amazing, "It's amazing~"

Shadow was silent as I took another bite. He spoke after what felt like a few minutes, "I'm glad you like it."

"It's great, I'm kinda used to the chocolate cupcakes for the kids birthdays when I was a teacher... I forgot how good it can be."

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