Part 4

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PoV: Sonic

"I'll miss you Sensei!"


"Goodbye Everyone. You'll all be great first graders!" I waved my final goodbye to the once star class. I had moved out of the classroom completely, and had a week long break before starting at the daycare center.

I'm going to miss being a teacher. I held all of the cards I had gotten today and slipped them all into my bag before heading home.

"Maybe I'll let myself drink a little tonight," I stretched as locked the door behind me. I set my bag down and opened the bottle of wine I had. I poured myself a single glass ad took a seat on my couch. It was a whole week of relaxation for myself.

"Next Monday starts a new job."

--- Monday ---

"Maretials, lunch, water bottle, apron. Alright, I got everything," I put everything into my backpack and left.

I made my way to Emerald Daycare with plenty of time. I walked in and found the place was oddly quiet.

"You're the new employee?" I heard a voice behind me," I turned and there was a red mobian behind me, "My name is Knuckles. We're just about to open."

"Open? So we mostly take kids during the afternoon," I looked at the hours for opening and closing.

"That's when we're the busiest. You're the tutor, so you'll work in the care room with me. We'll both handle the kids just fine. Come with me, I'll show you around," he opened the door for me and I followed him in, "That's the kitchen and this is the care room. Upstairs is the office and employees bathroom. One level higher is the emerald house. It's four bedroom house with a shared bath and kitchen."

"This whole daycare is under a house? I thought is was an apartment building," I set my bag down and my new desk. I notice the small fridge and freezer behind it, "Are we allowed to use these?"

"Yes, it's where we keep some emergency snacks. Water bottles for the kids, and ice," he set his lunchbox inside. I set mine down as well, "There's a microwave as well."

"That's nice," I looked around, there weren't many decorations. I opened my bag and pulled out the materials I had brought, "What's the theme of this room?"

"Theme? We don't really have a theme," Knuckles answered as he put on his apron.

"Can I decorate it?" I asked, "I was thinking a sun by the whiteboard. Some butterflies and bottles around the classroom. I brought blank ones for the kids to color in and cut themselves to help decorate."

"I think they'd love that as an activity. Just so you know, there isn't much of a schedule. There's the drawing corner, the books corner, the building blocks, and the toys. They can play inside, or outside. The only schedule is snack time every two hours. And lunch is always at twelve for us, and the kids. Mephiles and Shadow watch the kids during lunch so we can have our breaks. There are firstaid kits in the cabinet besides the microwave, and ice packs in the freezer."

"It's kinda like recess all the time then. But I do think we need a quiet homework space for the kid who meed tutoring," I looked around.

"That's why the space by your desk is empty. I cleared it out when I learned we hired a tutor. You can do what ever you want with that space," Knuckles cleared off the whiteboard, "This is also yours to use."

"Thank you," I started doing just that. I set some textbooks in a small bookcase by my desk.

I hung up the posters of the numbers and the alphabet. Once we were open, we simply had to wait for the first kids to arrive. Until then, Knuckles and I started coloring and cutting out a few of the decorations I brought as examples.

"Hello," I as we heard a voice at the door, "I'm here to drop off Cream and Cheese for the day."

"Of course Ms. Vanilla," Knuckles got up and handed Vanilla the sign in clipboard.

"Oh hello, I don't think I've seen you around before," she looked to me.

"I'm new, I just started working here today," I held out my hand, "My name's Sonic. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Sonic," she shook my hand and gave her daughter a quick hug before heading off, "I'll pick you two up later."

"Hi there. You names are Cream and Cheese right? Hmm, let me guess. I'd have to say the little Chao is Cream, and out Bunny here is Cheese. Am I right?" I knelt down to day hi.

"No," the young rabbit giggled, "I'm Cream, and this my special friend Cheese."

"Aww, I guess I got wrong. What you two like to do?" I couldn't let then play alone. I'd play with her until more kids came in.

"Those butterflies were in the room yesterday, did you make them?" She looked up at the decorations I had started making. I grabbed the stack of coloring pages, "Would you like to make one? I'm hoping everyone get to make one to decorated the room for summer."

"Yes please, um... Can I ask a question?" She picked up the corner of my apron.

"Of course," I walked with her to the coloring table.

"Your very pretty, and you wear pink. But you name is Sonic. Do I call you Mr or Ms Sonic?" She took a seat, I sat down across from her.

"Thank you. Mr is fine if you want to use it. You can just all me Sonic if you want to," I set put the piles for all the different bugs the kids could color in.

"Okay," she quickly picked a box of crayons and the first picture she wanted to color.

I think last year's star class asked me that too. Is it that hard to tell?

"Hey, I'm dropping off Charmy!" I heard another person come by.

"Sure thing. Just sign the sheet first Vector," Knuckle got up and quickly went back to the door. A little boy ran up to the table and joined us.

It's only the beginning of the day. This job is going to be great.



This part kept moving under part 5. Idk why it's glitching so bad. So just published in hopes to fix the problem.

Enjoy the early chapter I guess. 😅

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