Part 6

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PoV: Sonic

"Lunch time," I stretched as my lunch warmed up in the microwave.

"My favorite time of the day," Knuckles sat down a bag of takeout and started digging in.

"Are breakfast and dinner also you favorite times of day?" I took my hot meal out of the microwave as it beeped.

"Why wouldn't they be?" He laughed.

"Ah..." I stood back up as I took a bite.

"What happened?" Knuckles asked.

"Still cold in the middle," I mixed up what I had to and stuck it back into the microwave as Knuckles laughed.

We sat and ate in the back of the classroom while Shadow and Mephiles watched the class for us during lunch. It was wasn't exactly peaceful, but it was the best we had. After lunch I read the kids a few stories, and then we put everyone down for a nap. Expect Tails, he was happy to read while everyone else slept.

"Sonic, take your break while you can. I'll go out next," Knuckles whispered as I finally got Cheese off my lap and into the blanket next to Cream.

"Thanks. I'll be back in ten," I walked out into the hallway and took a seat on one of the benches.

"Are you on your break?" Mephiles came out and sat besides me.

"Yeah, just for a little while," I answered.

"The cookies were nice. Did you bake them yourself?" He asked.

"No, they're store bought, unfortunately. I'm not great at baking," I felt my stomach growl. I should have brought another snack.

"Wait here," Mephiles got up and left back into the kitchen.

"Sure," I wasn't planning on going anywhere until my break was done, so I just stayed where I was for my ten.

"Here," a plate was held out before me with three decorated onigiri. One looked like a cat, another like a bear, the last one looks like bird, "Eat if you're hungry."

"These are adorable," I picked up the cat and took a bit. Inside was the spur flavor of a pickled plum and the sweetness of honey, "It's ume. These are delicious!"

"I can cook for you again if you'd like. Stay afterwork. We'll send you home with dinner," he left just as my alarm went off.

"Dinner huh? How nice," I took my snack in with me and finished eating as nap time continued. Knuckles took his break and soon all the kids were up and hungry.

Mephiles has been nothing but kind to me. He's even sending me home with dinner. I should bring something in return for them tomorrow.


"Sonic," Knuckles called me as the last kid went home for today, "Do you like it here? It's only been two weeks, but do you enjoy it?"

"Honestly, I loving this job more and more. I get to do fun projects all day and help kids learn. It isn't a classroom, but it's just as fun. I can connect more with the kids here because they're less than I'm used to," I picked up my bag.

"I hope you stay with us, rather than moving on. You've changed this daycare simply with your presence," he took my hand, "I can't imagine working here without you anymore. I'm gladnyounlike it here. You make this place more amazing each day. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See... ya..." I snapped out of my hazy state as I realized I was staring. Damn it, don't just stare at someone. He's just complimenting my work... It almost sound like... he-

"Sonic, good, you're still here," Mephiles came in, "Here, it's from the both of us."

"Shadow helped?" I took the bag from him, "It smells amazing."

"Do not open it until youre home. I made you the meal. Shadow made the dessert," he answered.

"This is so sweet of you, I haven't worked at a place thats given me such a warm welcome before. I couldn't be more grateful," I picked up my bag and set my lunchbox inside.

"Yes, well, we couldn't have found anyone better with children than you are. I hope you'll spend some time with all of us, outside of work hours," Mephiles handed me my coat as I got ready to leave.

"You mean like a work gathering? Does Eclipse take us all to dinner?" I had never been on a work gathering before, "I think that would be delightful."

"I'm sure Eclipse would love that idea. We'll see you tomorrow," Mephiles left the room after a goodbye.

"Thanks for dinner," I left and rode the bus home.

"Let's see," I opened the dinner the moment I got home. Ontop of the packed meals were two flowers, "Roses?"

Each rose had a paper card stuck to its stem. I found Mephiles and Shadow had left their phone numbers for me.

"Oh chaos... this isn't a welcome..." I looked down at the meal as I opened it. It was a simple meal but still... it seemed my coworkers liked me in a way I wasn't expecting.

If I'm wrong then it's just all in my head. But roses... We've only just met... And two guys, I don't think I've ever had to think about twins before.

Sorry to disappoint but I think we should stay friends for a while.



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