Part 20

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PoV: Knuckles

"Haa~♡ Aah~♡!" Sonic was trembling as my tongue eagerly explore him. Sonic was squeezing the pillow below him, biting the corner.

"This is the best meal I've had all day," I raised his hips higher. I grinned as Sonic's tail perked up while I spread open his little hole. I couldn't help myself. I bit down on his right cheek.

"Hya! W-wait don't bite me!"

"Why not? You got harder when I did," I took his shaft into my hand. Rubbing my thumb against his tip.

"But it leaves a mark..." his face was so red with blush. He was so adorably shy, I wanted to tease him all day. Unfortunately I was on a time limit.

"I won't leave any marks in obvious places," I licked his tail and applied lube to my fingers as I slipped my tongue into him.


"Mm~ Tasty~" I replaced my tongue with my fingers.

"Ha-aaha~♡!" He collasped but still hadn't cum.

"I'm not finished without my drink," I rolled him onto his back and licked his adorable pink dick.

"K-Knuckles..." he reached for me.

"What is it? Something hurt?" I paused for a moment. Removing my fingers and he whimpered.

"D-don't take them out," he whined.

  Cute... I kissed him, slipping g my fingers back inside. I happily found his prostate and pressed on it in a rhythm for some time before switching the pattern.

"What is it?" I whispered, I still hadn't gotten an answer.

"D-do you not it when I call your name?" He looked away, I grinned his an idea.

"Sonic~" he was somehow more red than he was before.

"Eh?!" I sped up the rhythm and his back arched, "Haah~♡!"

"Sonic~ my love~"

"Ahaa~♡ Knuckles~♡!!" He came, and I pulled out as he was panting, "W-why?"

"I couldn't help myself. You orgasm face is just so hot. I wish I could see it every day," I kissed him before wiping up the mess I made from his nectar.

"E-everyday is a little much for me..." he grabbed my hand as I finished cleaning him up and applied more medicine to keep him from being sore.

"I know, I think three times a week would be fair," he face went red again.

"3 times a week?!"

"Not yet obviously. You only ever let me touch you every two weeks or so," I held his hand once I finished.

"You're going to actually eat something though aren't you? Your lunch break is almost over," he squeezed my hand, "Food is more important you know..."

"Yeah. Eclipse said he was making me a sandwich for after," I kissed him before heading to the door.

"He knows?!"

"Our walls aren't sound proof. The floor is, so don't worry about the kids," I left to wash my hands and face before eating.

"Knuckles," Eclipse cane down stairs and stared at me for a moment, "Change your shirt, you've got cum on it. Also, I need you ask the emerald if it will heal Sonic. The quicker he heals the less stressful it will be fore the children. If he's always disappearing they may become worried."

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