Dad's Early Years

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16 years ago - Haymitch's POV
"Elizabeth, I know what I'm asking of you. But I can't let anyone know she is my daughter." I explained holding my baby girl in my arms. Elizabeth is an old friend of mine from my childhood. I can't let the Capital know she's alive. A few months ago after I won my games my family was killed by order of President Snow. I found a way to win the games and become the first person ever in District 12 to ever manage that. "They killed my family. She is the only one I have left..." I begged her watching her weekly smiling at the infant girl.

A year before I went into the games I got together with a girl that I had a crush on from school. We were young and stupid to sleep together. I had never thought of having children and I nearly told her when she told me she was pregnant that I didn't want it. Until the day I got home after the games and she went into labor. She ended up dying after her birth. It was nearly everything in me to leave the baby to die or at least that was the plan until I stared into the eyes of my babies. The eyes she shared from her mother. I fell in love with my child that second.

"Haymitch if I agree to this we both could get killed. You must know that?' She questioned taking the girl from my arms holding her for a few minutes. Running my hands through my blonde hair, flipping it away from my eyes so I can see. "Elizabeth....her mother always wanted children. I'm doing this for her." My best friend finally sighs nodding in agreement. "Does she have a name?" I smiled letting the baby suck on my thumb. "Y/n."

Y/n's POV
A peaceful childhood is something I've never known. Living with a elderly woman who is friends with my father because he can't raise me out in the public of District 12. Hi my name is Y/n L/n, my real last name is Abernathy. I am sixteen years old and haven't gotten my name drawn in our world of the Hunger Games, yet at least. A bloodbath of survivor's my father told me once before he was transferred to the Capital yearly to be a mentor of the new tributes picked for the games. Tucking my blonde hair behind my ear I shrug on a jacket waving bye to the woman who has raised me. The wind blows through my hair as I entered the market handing a woman some goat cheese from one of my friends. The woman hands me some breed before I headed down to the Everdeeen's place.
Knocking on the door it takes a few minutes before the door opened for me to see Primrose, Katniss's younger sister.

"Y/n!" She cheers allowing me inside and I closed the door smiling to her mother before her cat ran and puts its front paws on my legs, bending down I petted it with a smile. "I managed to get you fresh bread from the Mellark's, Mrs. Everdeeen." She takes it from my bag with a smile before the door opened and Katniss walked in carrying some dead squirrels. Locking the front door back making sure she wasn't followed. It was illegal to go hunting in the woods but her and Gale Hawthorne go out anyway. Late at night sometimes I lay awake thinking about how much better my father is living. How the Capital is treating him every year. Some part of me hopes to think he is missing me, wishing that we could live together instead of acting like we aren't related at all.

Katniss looks to me starting to cook the squirrels she killed. "Gale is looking for you." Whipping my head her direction I bite my lip hoping I'm not blushing. Growing up throughout school I started to develop a crush on her best friend. "He is?" I tried to not sound excited about that. But he's always been looking out for me since my mother, well the women who raised me at least has been getting older. "Yeah heading towards your mom's place." She answered as I jumped up hugging Prim quickly and she teases. "Y/n's got a boyfriend." I shake my head no at my twelve year old friend. Mrs. Everdeeen had me babysitting Prim sometimes when she worked late, so because close because of that.

Running home I see him sitting on the porch talking with my mom as I run up the stairs hugging him. He hugs me back for a few seconds until we break away smiling. "We managed to kill some extra food so I thought you'd want it." Tilting my head up since he's slightly taller than me I parted my lip. "Oh you didn't have to do that. You have a bigger family than me." He shakes his head as my mother helped him carry his bag of food smiling. "I wanted to, golden strawberry." I stick my tongue out at his nickname for me. He started calling me that one evening when he managed to find some strawberries in the woods. I moaned with a genuine smile on my face at how amazing they tasted. So now he calls me that getting me to actually smile. The three of us sat down at the table and he helps take care of my mom when he can. I can't help but wonder how dad would feel about him possibly being my boyfriend someday. But I doubt I'll get to see him anytime soon, secret letters addressed to my mother is the only way we contact one another.

Comments really appreciated :)

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