In Memory of Prim and Maya

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The hovercraft lands outside the capital where my father and I stepped down the ramp. Two guards followed closely with Celestia behind us. My father interviewed my right hand with his leading me inside the mansion. I am dressed in a brown leather jacket, black pants and dusty combat boots. My hair is loose with a small part braided like a crown on my head. I paused outside Snow's old office twisting the doorknob stepping inside. The last time I was in this room was before Snow knew who I really was. Closing the door behind me I shivered feeling the air getting thick standing in front of his desk. There's a file laying there so I opened it sitting in his large chair. "Double bomb project...restarting the games. Capital children." I mumbled to myself glancing to the computer screen with multiple files opened.

Scanning the screen I gasped seeing security footage of outside the capital gates. Everybody is reaching up into the sky for little baskets floating down. The seconds they touched them an explosion goes off. The camera footage gets jolted around and I covered my ears hearing screaming. Closing my eyes for a moment I snapped them open heating Katniss's cry. "Prim - Primrose!" Clutching my hands into fists I gasped about to pass out because I hadn't been told anything. The last time I saw my best friend was this morning saying goodbye. She had finally been labeled as a nurse so proud of herself. Covering my hands over my mouth I sobbed heavily watching her get blown up right before my eyes. My heart tightened when I leaned back in the chair living the nightmare. Foosteps came inside the room and Coin's voice breaks me from the horror. "What are you doing in here. You're not allowed to be in here." She was wearing a grey suit hands on her hips. Rising to my feet I reached back grabbing my knife still crying. "You killed her - you killed Primrose. You traitorous bitch. How could you plan something so horrible. On innocent people just trying to get help!"

"Oh my dear your boyfriend helped give the order. I wasn't gunning for her..but if you kill me then you'll be executed. I don't think you're father could bear that. Yet I believe you're the perfect person to decide the fate of the country." She spoke stepping closer to me grabbing my arm leading me inside a room with the other Victor's. Sitting down in a chair with my father Katniss was on the other side. Twirling the knife in my hands underneath the table I scoffed towards Coin not wanting any part of this meeting. "Why exactly am I here. You killed my best friend so I want to kill you right now. That's the only thing that I care about Coin." She puts her hands on the table staring at me blankly. "Ms. Abernathy you are here because I think the only way to avoid more blood is to bring back the games. And make the capital children have the fate-" Slamming my hands on the table the knife clattered through the room. "No way in hell. Prim might be dead but I won't force Celestia into the torture we faced!"

Shoving my chair back I stomped towards the door gripping the door handle until Katniss spoke up leaning up on the table. "I vote yes. For Prim." Glancing over my shoulder the last vote was my father. Clutching the knife in my other hand there was no going back when he replied softly. "I agree with the - uh mockingjay." He gets to his feet following me into the hallway wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. Flinging my arms around his neck I just started heavy sobbing into his shirt. He moves one hand through my hair just holding me for hours like this. Hours later I didn't even bother going to see Gale before he got transferred to district 2. I couldn't love him anymore after what he did even if it was an accident. Someone knocked on my door where Celestia walked inside immediately hugging me crying that her grandfather was to be executed in a few minutes. "Hey sssh. You don't have to watch it. Or if you do just clutch your medicine bottle tightly for strength." I whispered in her ear not breaking the hug until she was ready. The doctors in 13 had created her some pills she had to take everyday to avoid snapping back into her murderer state. But it wouldn't be a permit thing once we got away from here back to my home.

Another knock came on the door seeing my father dressed in a suit waiting for us. The three of us walked down the road that the tributes had during the first night of the games. Keeping my eyes locked onto Snow I intertwined my right hand with my father's and my left in Celestia's. "For mom. For dad. For myself..." I mumbled under my breath eyeing her grandfather until Coin walked out giving a speech. "For Primrose!" My voice laced with vemon more than ever. The drums stopped behind us so I turned my head watching Katniss draw her bow. She holds it steady then at the last minute fires the arrow into Coin's chest. Celestia shivered burying her face in my chest with people running forward killing her grandfather. My father leads us through the halls away from the madness outside. "He's - he's gone!" She sobbed heavily when I grabbed her shoulders wishing she didn't know this. "Cel, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have seen this. Just wait a few hours and I'll take you away from here..forever." Climbing inside the hovercraft that would take us back to 12 I didn't bother to know who would lead the new country now. I just wanted to go home and never leave again.

Rubbing my eyes I stretched after hours of flying to see my father helping her off the hovercraft. Katniss and I glanced to one another grabbing the others hand walking down the ramp. The wind blows through my hair as I stand in the doorway arms crossed over my chest. Foosteps approached me from behind sighing heavily as they sat down. I slide down the door watching my father holding two beers. "You deserve this sweetheart. I am truly sorry I couldn't protect you from the games. Y/n, I would have fought tooth and nail to keep you safe." Reaching over I grabbed his hand locking eyes with him then opening my beer having a long sip. Giving him a poker face he chuckled taking a drink himself. "You did everything you could. I am only sorry that I forced Celestia to come live with us. I just couldn't leave her. The possibility of getting executed was too real." He moves onto my side of the doorway so we could watch the little girl sleeping in my old bedroom that I shared with Prim. He had his own bedroom. Katniss and Peeta shared the other one in this large house. "You're mother would be proud. Taking that little girl in is the best decision you made...I love you Y/n." Laying my head against his chest he draped his arm over my shoulder watching the rain fall outside. "I love you too dad. Mom would be proud of you too. You are the best father I could have asked for." This new life would be hard but we would face whatever came our way together in the name of my mother and my best friend, Maya Flower and Primrose Everdeen.

Wow readers, so this is the end. I can't believe it.

I honestly loved writing Haymitch as a dad and the readers own storyline.

Please check out my other books and like always comments are really appreciated ❤️

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