Victors Reaping

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"In addition to the 3rd Quarter Quell selection, another tribute shall be sent into the games. The tribute from District 12, Y/n Abernathy. Otherwise known as our Capital Princess."

Running through the woods I hear someone grunting in frustration and so I followed them. Seeing its Gale and he is extremely angry because his hands are bloody with splinters. I slide down the hill my hair is a disarray with the wind blowing aggressively. "Gale..." He whipped his head my direction, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. He steps up cupping my face in his hands smashing his lips down onto mine without any hesitation. Throwing my arms around his neck I kissed back feeling the kiss get salty from our tears until we break for air. "I don't want to go - I'm going to die for sure this time!" I croaked in tears where he runs his hands down my arms sniffing through his own. "Hey, don't say that. You don't know-" I cut him off raising my voice making my throat a little sore. "Of course I'm done for Gale. I'm going into an aren filled with trained killers. And I suck, I can barely get one of my knives to stick into a darn tree trunk!"

"So you're giving up before you're even in the fight. If Katniss did - if you're father did that-" I don't let him finish his thought aiming pressing my hands against his chest. "Don't you dare try and gilt trip me with my father!" He rolled his eyes shaking his head from side to side. "I just wish you would have more belief in yourself...I wish we weren't fighting the morning you have to leave." I cut him off slamming myself against his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. His muscular arms wrapped around me, resting his chin ontop of my blonde hair. "Then let's not fight. I'm just...scared, Gale." We just stayed in the others arms for a few more minutes. Once I got home I pull on a dark blue shirt and some black jeans and brown boots. My hair hair completely loose to blow in the wind. Peacekeepers lead us to victor stands with Katniss in front, Peeta, then me and my father in the very back. He keeps his head tilted down to the ground until we walked up the staircase cameras directly facing on us.

My gaze stayed on Gale, Prim and her mother standing in the front row. Effie stepped up to the microphone dressed in a butterfly type dress. "Welcome, Welcome as we celebrate the 75th anniversary and 3rd Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games. As always, ladies first..." She picked up the little pieces of paper speaking into the mic again. "The female tributes from District 12. Katniss Everdeeen and Y/n L/n." She might as well say my real name. All of the district's know the truth now. Effie then picked up one slip of paper from the men's bowl. "The male tribute from District 12, Haymitch Abernathy." Katniss and I whipped our heads around in shock. I feel my lungs tightening in my chest at the thought of being in an arena with my father. "I volunteer as tribute." But Peeta declared not a second later. My father grabs his arm trying to stop him but Peeta yanks his arm from his hold standing up by the three of us.

Prim and her mother throw up the three fingers sign with Gale staring directly at me. Seconds after the rest of our district followed behind them. Glancing to mu father I raised my fingers following Katniss and Peeta. I feel a peacekeeper grab my arm dragging me backwards. "Y/n!" Prim called out trying to run forward but peacekeepers block her path. "Prim!" I called back seeing my father and Peeta get pushed onto the train. Katniss tried to break away from the general. "I get to say goodbye." He just responded as I try shoving the man away from me. "Straight to the train!" Gale comes to stand behind Prim as she kept calling out for us. "Katniss - Y/n!" The peacekeeper holding my arm tightened dragging me away from her. I don't even get a chance to say goodbye to my friend. That's not how this is supposed to go. "I love you, Gale. You and Prim!" I called out before I'm thrown onto the train, hitting my father's chest seeing he has disappointment expression on his face.

Once we're back in the Capital Cinna gives me a dress similar to Katniss's so when I twirl in it I have to ask. "So will this burst into flame?" He nodded with a smile moving my hair to the front over my shoulders. "Yes. But I have something special for the interviews for you." I glanced down to my feet with a weak smile until foosteps entered the room seeing my father. "Just look forward and no waving or smiling, sweetheart." I nodded watching him pull something out from in his grey suit pocket. A golden chain dangles from his left hand. A heart locket that he comes behind me, clipping it on for me. "What is this for dad?" He opens the front of it showing me in the mirror. "It's yours mother's...there's something I need to show you later tonight. But just keep your eyes forward." I closed the locket seeing a picture of my mother when she was young smiling.

"Am I finally allowed to be in the presence of the Capital Princess?" I stop playing with the locket, lifting my head up and seeing the District 4 male, Finnick Odair. Light brown hair and bright green eyes trailing me up and down. I keep my eyes locked on his trying to not blush at the fact he is shirtless. "Finnick Odair. I've heard about you." I spoke as he tosses something small into my chest. Opening my palm I see it's a sugar cub and that he is closer then he was a few minutes ago. "And yet this is the first I am meeting you Y/n L/n or should I say Abernathy....if we had met earlier we could have been a power couple." I roll my eyes already seeing he is agogent thinking that I cared about my image to the Capital. "Well let me tell you something, Finnick. I'm not concerned with fame. I just want to try and survive these games." He shoots me a bright smile mumbling as we are told to get on the chaurests. "Oh princess, if you really want to stay alive. Stick with me." He winked back at me as I climbed on behind Katniss and Peeta.

Do you think Y/n team up with Finnick?

Comments really appreciated :)

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