Allowing Attachments

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Peeta kicked open the door to the house Katniss's family was given for winning the games. Prim and her mother cleared off the kitchen table so we could lay Gale down. He moaned in pain as I intertwined my hand with his. Prim tilts my chin up after examining her sister. "Missed her eye. Put some ice on it and you'll be fine." My father picking up the bottle of alcohol trying to drink it but Katniss ripped it from his hands, giving it to her mother to help her friend. Her mother struggles to put the needle into the medication so Prim takes it from her. She comes over instructing the two of us. "Hold him down please." Katniss holds his arms down while I hold his head still, watching her stick the injection into him where he finally sighs in relief. His breathing slows with Peeta placing snow on the cuts cooling the heat down before Gale closes his eyes resting for a little while into the night.

Lifting my head up I rub the sleep from my eyes seeing that it's dark outside now. Laying my head on my arms I can't help but watch Gale sleep while I lay in a recliner chair we moved into the kitchen. Lifting my left hand I start playing with his stray hairs that fell in front of his eyes thinking he's asleep. "That actually makes me forget about the pain." I almost stopped hearing his sleepy voice kind of groggy. "I thought you were asleep still." I replied going back to playing with his hair. He opened his eyes seeing the light from the fireplace glowing against my face. He moves his closet hand up to my injured cheek. Brushing his thumb over the cut I lean into his palm feeling his warm eyes watching me. "So you're last name is Abernathy?" I avoid his gaze remembering that he knows now. The weight of lieing to him is off my shoulders, but I've just added some more because the Capital will be watching him closely now too.

"I'm sorry about not telling you...for years. It's just my father raised me to...he thought it was the best way to protect me." I stuttered out leaning back in the chair seeing the sun starting to rise as the front door opened. Katniss enters the room her gaze flickering between the two of us. "Hey, have you slept or ate anything?" Her question directed at me. Shaking my head no she offered with her left hand. "Well how about you take a break. I can watch him for a little while." I nodded squeezing Gale's hand getting to my feet. Shrugging on jacket stepping outside, crunching snow under my boots. The winter wind blows my hair around seeing my father sitting on the porch. A alcohol bottle in his hands looking out off into the distance. Bending my legs I take a seat beside him, intertwining my hands together in front of me on my knees. "So how is he?" He breaks the silence sipping from his bottle. Hugging my legs to my chest I mumble into my knees. "He's getting better...he knows though...he knows the truth." My father lifted his head my direction, weakly smiling at me. "That's good but be careful-"

Whipping my head at him I raise my voice getting frustrated with him lately. "Why do you do that. Why on the train did you want me to tell him one minute. But now that he knows you tell me to be careful. Like I don't understand, dad. Which one is it!" He runs his freehand through his blonde hair making it a slight mess heavily sighing. "Because I'm afraid to lose you. I thought I was safe after winning the games and then he killed my family....I'm terrified that he'll take you too..." He blinked away tears wiping underneath his nose with his jacket sleeve. "I'm sorry that I'm changing my mind every day, but I adapted for my life to always be like this. Where one day I can be laying in bed with your mother happy and the next I'm bawling because my mother was killed right in front of me." Blinking my eyes a couple times I released a breath, laying my head on his shoulder wanting to change the subject. "Can you tell me something about mom, please?"

Haymitch's POV
"Maya, wait!" I chase after her as she grabbed her coat pulling it on. But it doesn't quite fit that well now that her pregnant belly has grown quite a lot in the last few months. She bursts out the front door sticking her tongue out catching snowflakes on it. Shrugging my jacket on I rest my hand on her shoulder trying to warn her to be safe. "Maya, it's too cold out here for you and the baby." But she brushes my hand off heading down the stairs. Her boots crunch in the snow before she falls on her back doing snow angels. Her belly bounces during the act. I didn't know much about pregnant women, hell actually I know nothing. Her mother has been helping out thankfully.

Walking down the stairs I stand above her, running my hand through my hair. "Maya, come on. We need to go back inside before you get frost bite." She shakes her head still rolling around in the snow. She holds her hands up for me and I started to pull her up. But she yanks me down ontop of her, our faces inches from touching. I quickly rolled off her belly and onto my side glaring at her. "Maya, what the heck. Is the baby alright?" She started cracking up in laughter, a huge grin on her face. "Loosen up Haymitch, I'm just having fun." I started to get up and she does too but once I'm on my feet I felt something hit the back of my head. Whipping my head around I saw her holding a snow ball in her hands smiling. "Got ya, Haymitch!"

"What are you a child?" I questioned before she throws another one at me. I bend down making one myself missing her as she ducked, sticking her tongue out like she's a child. "Catch me." She started running around where I chased after her. Finally I catch her wrapping my arms around her, holding her you against my chest. She throws her arms around my neck smiling. "How long are you going to worry about me, Hay?" Shaking my head I rest my forehead down onto hers, releasing a breath with the cold wind blowing around us. "Probably until the day one of us dies. You're the only person in my life that matters. The same amount as my mother and siblings." Maya leans up on her toes kissing me slowly. I smiled kissing her back until we got cold.

Comments really appreciated :)

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