Peeta's Warning

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Plutarch had been hard at work editing the video footage from the hospital and our trip back to District 12. The plan was to show the world what the Capital really does to us all if we don't fa in line. It pains me that Celestia will see the horror but the person we needed to reach most of all is Peeta. Twisting my mother necklace in between my fingers I lean my back against the wall. Sitting in mine and Gale's quarters I sigh heavily. Sometimes I wonder if mom could see me now would she be proud. Because I'm not happy with myself. Katniss and my father would say I did what I had to do to survive. But all I hear in my head is I'm a murderer. Someone knocked on the door opening it so Prim peaks her head inside. "Can we talk, Y/n?" Brushing hair from my face I wipe tears away with my sleeve nodding. She sits on the bed her hair now being worn in a bun recently, she has been practicing to become a nurse. "What's up, Prim?" She stares in my eyes resting her hand on mine in my lap. "Are you going to save, Celestia...I think we'd be friends." Giving her a weak smile someone knocked on the door for my father to peak in. "The footage is up, sweetheart."

Rushing to my feet I run out the door with my father and Prim went to find her mother. Entering the control room Plutarch eyes me. Katniss came in right after us. The screen showed Peeta talking about the attack on the power damage to the Capital in one of the districts. "What have they done to you." Katniss whispered raising a hand to her mouth, tears appearing in her eyes. But he gets cut off by Beetie showing some footage of Katniss and I walking around the Tribute hall. Peeta shutters in breath trying to keep talking about the attack. But I can hear his voice breaking. Again he's cut off by different shots of the footage that finally breaks the baker boy. "They're coming, Katniss. In District 13. They're kill everyone, you'll be dead by morning." Guards grabbed him cutting the live video footage of from the world. "He was warning us. That was a warning." My father spoke and everyone agreed. I take Katniss's hand feeling her shaking. "We have to get him out before they kill him." Squeezing her hand in mine I give a stern look to President Coin. "Celestia Snow as well." She announced the air drill so I start running with Katniss down the stairs.

"Please head to the nearest stairwell to level 40!" A woman's voice came over the intercoms. Everyone moved down the stairs until the bunker rumbled aggressively. I grip the railing when the lights go off and the backup ones come on. The water turned on too when people starting screaming. Thousands of boots banged on the metal staircase until Katniss and I meet the bottom. "Gale!" Running forward I fling my arms around Gale and he berries his face in my wet hair. Katniss finds her mother concerned. "Where's Prim?" Her mother shakes her head not sure. "I thought she went to find you." Breaking away from Gale we started rushing back through the doors. A guy at the entrance shouted back at us where Katniss hollered out searching for her sister. "Prim, Prim!" Frantically my eyes looked around the room seeing someone on the stairs carrying a cat. "Katniss, I found her!" Rushing up the stairs Prim called out to us noticing me. "Y/n - Katniss!" Without thinking I throw her over my shoulder as best as I can rushing down the staircases. Gale picked her off my shoulders pushing her to run quickly seeing the doors starting to close.

Katniss and Prim slipped through the door. My chest tightens as Gale gets through but there's almost no way I'll get in. He halts in his tracks reaching out for me. Clutching his hand in mine he yanks me inside one minute before the door automatically locked behind us. Burying my face in his shirt I clutch onto him for life. Struggling to catch my breath where he runs his fingers through my hair to calm me down. "I've got you. You're here with me, Y/n." Lifting my head I slowly nodded seeing Katniss clutching onto her side frustrated. "You went back for the cat. What were you thinking?" Prim hugged Buttercup closely to her chest shouting back. "I wasn't gonna leave him behind. I couldn't live with myself!" Katniss sighs pulling her in for a hug mumbling. "I know...I know Prim." Another bomb hits the bunker where I cling to Gale's chest. He stiffened top at feeling the movement probably picturing the horror that happened on 12. Laying on a bunk on the bottom I felt it dip lifting my head I see it's Finnick. Holding myself up by my right elbow he pulled out that small picture again, brushing his thumbs over it. "You love her don't you. Annie, is that her picture?" He nods yes to my question glancing my direction. "And you love that boy..Gale right?"

"Well I - uh - we haven't exactly said I love you yet." I blushed playing with my fingers in my lap nervously. He runs a hand through his hair watching Katniss and her sister sitting with their mother. "Katniss says Snow is using the ones we love to punish us. You got lucky that they didn't capture him." Shaking my head I tuck my hair behind my ears bending my head down. "I wouldn't say that. Yeah Gale and Prim are safe - but not Snow's granddaughter. She's still with that monster." Kicking my boots against the ground causing a scuffing sound he never breaks eye contact with me. "When I first saw you with her. I thought you were doing it to get famous. Like you were trying to get out of the games...until I saw her face after Snow said your name for the games. That's when I realized I was wrong. You care about her like she's your child." I feel tears slip out so I wipe them with my sleeve, laying my head on his shoulder and he lays his against mine. "How you deal with the memories - the people you killed?" I shutter out clutching my mother's necklace around my neck. Finnick draped his arm over my shoulder whispering into my hairline. "Try and think of the good ones. Because the bad will beat you up, princess Abernathy." Haymitch and Gale both had there eyes trained on you two. Gale stared with slight jealousy, but he would never know the horrible weight. Whereas Haymitch watched in relief. He was grateful you had found a good allie or friendship with Finnick.

Comments really appreciated :)

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