Becoming Tougher

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The doors open to the training floors for me to see Finnick waiting for me and my father. I walked up picking up the smallest knife off the table getting in the stance, moving my arm back and launching it forward onto the target. To my suprise it sticks this time but it is in the person's stomach. Finnick stepped up by me picking up one of the knives eyeing me. "I think we should get you good at fighting with two weapons." He pulls me towards a rack of weapons, picking up a trident. "Let's see what you can do with this." He twirls it in his hands throwing it into the chest of a person statue standing a few feet away from us. My mouth dropped open in awe at how good he is with that. Glancing back at my dad he nodded his head with a stern smile.

"Just do what you would with a knife." My father instructed handing me the same weapon. The figures shaped like humans moved being created from orange dots running towards me. I want to close my eyes and duck but I throw the blade. Then close my eyes hearing the fake person break apart right before I squinted my right eye open. Finnick slapped me on the back with a light smile. "You did good, princess." I nervously smile at him feeling sick to my stomach about getting a pat on the back to getting good at killing people. We spent the next few hours preparing for the games until it got late. Finnick waved goodbye as we ride the elevator upstairs seeing Katniss and Peeta sitting in the living room waiting for us. "I'll help you with the interview tomorrow. Tonight we need to go over the rest of these tributes." I plopped down on a side chair resting my chin in the palm of my hand.

Dad pours himself some alcohol in a glass coming to sit in front of the three of us. "I want you guys to forget everything you think you know about the games. Last year was child's play. This year your dealing with all experienced killers." Peeta sits down his glass asking. "So what does that mean for us?" My father sits down in a chair beside me cutting him off by raising his fingers to his lips. "It means you're gonna have to have some alies...look you're starting at a disadvantage most of these people have been friends for years." Katniss scoffed interrupting him. "That just puts us higher on their kill list-" He moves hair that falls in front of his eyes. "Do it your own way. But I know these people. Their first move is gonna be to hunt you down. All three of you." Peeta glanced to Katniss before she spoke again. "How could any of us even trust each other?" Lifting my head up I finally spoke up, saying the same sentence as my father. "It's not about trust. It's about staying alive."

He picks up a TV remote turning on the screen showing the first set of tributes from District 1. "Casmier and Gloss, brother and sister District 1. They won back to back games. Capital favorites. Lots of sponcers, they will be lethal." He clicked to the next slide showing a woman with teeth that looked like fangs. "The other half of the Career pack. Brutice and Antibaria. She had her teeth filed into fangs so she could rip people's throat out." The slide moves forward showing a black man with glasses. "Wirrise and Beatie, not fighters but brilliant. Weird real tech savie. He won his games by electrocuting six tributes at once." Tapping my fingers on my leg he changed the screen to two tributes dressed in all black.

"The Morphilings, masters of camouflage. Basically won there games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self meditating ever since. Which I appalued not a threat." My dad hits the button showing Finnick on the screen. Katniss sits up recognizing him immediately. "Finnick Odair right?" I nodded seeing him using his fake smile and waving to the camera filming his Reaping. "He won his games at 14, youngest ever. Extremely humble." I accidentally snickers where he throws his hands up mockingly. "Yes I'm kidding. He's a peacock, a totally preneer. But he's the Capital darling. They love him here. Charming, smart, very skilled in combat, especially in water." I snap my fingers pointing towards the screen. "Which is why he chose the trident." Peeta sits up hands intertwined on his knees. "What about weaknesses?" My father walked to the other side of the screen as an elderly woman appeared beside another female tribute who was younger. "Maggs, she volunteered for Annie. Maggs was his mentor and basically raised him. If he's trying to protect her in any way, it exposes him." Maggs hugs Finnick but points to the camera as a warning for him.

Later that evening I stand on the balcony feeling the wind blowing through my wet hair since I just got out of the shower. Twiddling my fingers I can imagine Gale and Prim are worried for these games. "Finnick agreed to be in an alliance with you." My father breaks the heavy silence clouding my mind. He leans on his elbows on the ledge beside me. "The Capital defiantly knows about my loved ones now. During the Reaping I called out their names...I called out Prim...I called Gale." I feel tears starting to fall making me lay my face in my hands. My father draped his arm over my shoulder as I lay head on his shoulder. "I'm not allowed to help you in the games. But I have someone in mind. Someone the sponcers can't say no to." Lifting my head up I raised my brows in confusion. "Who's that dad?" All he has to do is glane down with those blue eyes and I had my answer.

Who do you think it is?

Comments really appreciated :)

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